
The Jarldom have the largest populance of all the Jarldoms and it is also the richest of them. Although there are still some backwater clans who sends out raiding fleets, trading fleets are more common to dispatch from Allnemarks shores. The inhabitants are considered weak by their more northerns cousins. But when they see the people of Allnemarks wealth they usually keep quiet. At least as long as Allnemarkians can hear them. Allnemark is ruled by Jarl Sigurd Korp Brandsvedd. He was chosen by the lords of Allnemark to maintain the peace in the Jarldom. A choice driven by the strong clan "Sköldklyve". Many of the weaker clans wanted the head of the family "Dräpa" to be elected Jarl, as he had stronger ties to the throne than Elfhedd. The two clans "Brandsvedd" and "Dräpa" have a long tradition of being Jarl and High jarls and they are almost always on the brink of war with each other. Sigurd is the son of Elfhedd which stings in the eyes of the family Dräpa. The town of Halle is the largest settlement in Jorduashur and the main centre of Allnemark as well. In the centre of the Halle is the Jarls longhouse, the largest woodenhall known to man. It is gilded and in the sunlight it shine bright and impressive. It is surrounded by a moat and woodenwall and the courtyard contains several minor halls for the Jarls warriors and wealth. Along the moat the severed heads of enemies and brigands are displayed, showing that they still follow the old traditions.


Allnemark is Jorduashur and an intergral part of the Jorduashur culture. But they are also the most progressive of the Jorduashurs jarldoms. They launch way more trade fleets than the other jarls do, and they bring back more wealth than the other jarls do. Allnemarkians are more open to other cultures and does not so easily dismiss them.

Public Agenda

To unite Jorduashur beneath a high king.


Family Brandsvedd: A family with a long history and many members who have been either Jarls or High Jarls of Jorduahur.    Family Dräpa: A family with a long history and many members who have been either Jarls or High Jarls of Jorduahur. They can at best be considered at peace with their ancestoral enemies, the family Brandsvedd.   Family Sköldklyve: Sköldklyve is a old family who are famous for their warriors. The later generations have changed focus into trade and have become rich. They have used those riches into buying land, and force strategic marriages. What they have accomplished is much land which are neighbouring each other, unlike most other families whose lands are scattered throughout the jarldom. This forces other families who want to travel between their lands to have to gather the allowance from Sköldklyve, usually by gifts of course. They often also have to stop by one of Sköldklyves larger holdings and stay for a night of feasting. Giving Sköldklyve a chance to secure gifts, opportunities for weddings, purchase of lands or promises of friendship. Also in case of war, Sköldklyve can muster quite large forces quickly as their land are neighbouring, having the opportunity to strike at other families smaller and scattered forces. The family Sköldklyve are kept in high regards from the other families but do not have any memebers of royal blood, and as such prefer to negotiate with the familes who do, about who the next jarl/ high jarl should be.

Foreign Relations

Most of Allnemark have a much more peaceful view on foreigners than the other jarldoms of Jorduashur.
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Related Species
Related Ethnicities