Mages Guild - Zorakin

Of all guilds in Zorakin, the mages guild is the one with the most power. Apart from the fact that many of its members works as court mages, a significant number of the members also comes from noble families. The mages guild main charter is located close to the Lyaceum in Pendonne and has become an integrated part of the lyceeums teaching of magic.   In Zorakin the guild system is strong and being a mage are compared to the craftsmans guilds and as such a mage who wants to practise their magic are by law demanded to be a member of the mages guild. The only accepted way to find a teacher in magic in Zorakin is through the mages guild.   The mages guild of Zorakin is one large organisation who are divided into charters. Each charter is located in a large town or city but subsidient to the Zoraki mages guild. Each charter owns a house of some kind in the town they live in. Some of its members have made that house their permanent house, while other live on their own. The charter house usually have rooms for visitors, kitchens and dining rooms, libraries and alchemy laboratories.


The mages guild are lead by a council of master wizards of all the different schools of magic. When one step down or die, the council vote for whom are to take the empty seat. If there is no clear winner they randomly choose one of them to make the decision who are to take the seat. The headquarter of the guild is situated in Pendonne close to the Lyceeum. The wizards council of the Mages guild of Zorakin.
  • Animist: Master Eilieen Salavanii (woodelf)
  • Elemental: Master Gorin Hatchel de Solaire
  • Harmonist: Master Genivienne la Rouve
  • Illusionist: Master Vambardi Luciosa
  • Mentalist: Master Covolii Delthina (woodelf)
  • Symbolist: Master Garvoli Deusix
  Most mages start out as an apprentice to a wizard whom are a member of the mages guild. During their apprentice they work as servants to the wizard, whom in exchange give them a place to live, clothes and food. They also get taught in several theoretical subjects such as history, magical theory, reading and writing. After two years they are taught mundane small spells. If the apprentice have shown aptitute for a school of magic the wizard are not able to teach, the apprentice are usually helped to find a suitable teacher. After approximatly five years of magical teaching the wizard grant their former apprentice the title of wizard, and a full time membership of the mages guild of Zorakin.


The mages guild of Zorakin evolved from the Jorpagnian empire, and as such uses a very archaic language and titular.   The magic tradition the guild teaches is from the old jorpagna traditions. this means the magicians are taught to cast formalised spells, including hand geastures and power words.   Although formally they are different organisations, the mages guild are intertwined with the Lyceeum of Pendonne. The lyceeums teachers in magic are members of the magic guild as well and sometimes it is hard to understand where they are conducting Lyceeum business or guild business.

Public Agenda

The mages guild are quite clear that their goal is to protect the magic wielders of Zorakin, and make sure they follow the path of Odo. No member of the mages guild are allowed to work against the king of Zorakin. The guild do not interfere in politics but move to protect its members. The mages guild are to enhance the understanding of magic.   It is also important to remember that this is the public agenda of the guild.


The collective assets of the mages guild are quite impressive as they have charter houses in most major settlements in Zorakin. They also have access to magic potions and artefacts. All of its members are magic wielders and most have strong connections within the nobility.
Guild, Mages

The relationship with the Lyceeum is very good.

The diplomatic relationship with the The shining path is strained at best. The shining path believe that the guild and the individual magicwielder holds to much power within the realm. The mages guild tries to soothe the church.