The Lyceeum of Pendonne

There are few places in Ereb Altor who are recognised as a place of learning and understanding on the same level as The Lyceeum of Pendonne. It is very old and many well known scholars throughout the history have studied and/ or lectured at the Lyceuum. Even through times when the Shining Path have considered it a place of heresy the power of the Lyceuum have protected it from being disbanded.   The lyceeum are divided into several houses whom all are led by a Master. Each master of a house are considered amongst the most knowledgable in their subject on the whole continent. Some houses are divided into sub houses with its own Master, who are not part of the Council of masters.   There are several ways to study at the lyceeum.   Wealthy parents might enroll their kids when they are thirteen for three years schooling. The regime are strict and the kids spend many hours each day studying, advanced writing, mathematics, history and different lore. And the end of those years they have the choice to spend three more years for more advanced studying withn the same subjects. From eighteen they might enroll for a three years scholary specialisation within one of the houses, such as law.   Any adult who can prove that they have had scholary education to a high standard may pay for enrolling to classes in subjects of their choice.   The house of magic and the sub houses only take children whom show aptitute for magic. But the parents still have to pay the fees for studying.


The Lyceeum of Pendonne are divided into several houses of academia which in turn might be divided into smaller specialized houses. The Lyceeum are lead by a grand master and the advisors made up of the masters from the separeted houses. This group is called The Council of Masters of the houses.  
  • The house of magic
  • The house of mathematics and nature
  • The house of estheric and theology

Public Agenda

The Lyceeum exists to enhance knowledge and it does so by collecting scriptures and by resarching new ways. It also strives to spread knowledge and make people use it to enhance the world.


Several large buildings in close proximity to each other. A large mansion outside the city where the house of Animism and biology are situated. The largest buildning lies within the city and contains their library and offices of the Grand Master of the lyceeum, The library are guarded by common guards, but also wizards and many spells. It is considered impossible to break into the library.


The order of the Mandel settled in what is now the city of Pendonne in Zorakin, where they founded a monastery. The leader and  founding father of the monastery were Leon Inegryd .The order of the Mandel were a religious cult who worshipped the godess of wisdom, Ingeril. As part of their divine mission they collected scrolls and books containing writings from sages. As their collection of scrolls grew their reputation grew and people from outside the order came to seek wisdom. The monastery grew stronger and more influent but throughout the centuries the religious part of the order diminished.    Around 290 B.O. the order discovered a vein of gold, which they excavated and kept secret within the monastary.

Demography and Population

Most of the members of the organisation is humans but other races are welcome as well. There are many cultures represented in within the walls even though the Zoraki people is the most common.


As it is located in Pendonne The Shining Path is the most common represented religion, and many pay at least lip service to it. But other religions are allowed as long as they do their worship in private and do not provoce the Church of Etin.


Theft of knowledge is considered a grave crime, as well as destruction of knowledge.

This is a place of learning.

Founding Date
367 B.O.
Educational, University
Parent Organization
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Related Species

The relationship with the Lyceeum is very good.

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