Mennecor - Dwarven city north of Zorakin

Mennecor is located in the Aidne mountains north of Free state and it is ruled by King Corruff Steelaxe.   From Zygosunds bridge a well made dwarven roads leads northwards and upward into the Aidne mountains. Amongst the way in larger hills there are a few dwarven forts from where dwarven patrols protects the road and the few travellers on the road. As the roads come close to the dwarven kingdom it is lined with statues of dwarven heroes and kings. The dwarven kingdom are carved into the cliffsides and over a deep cliff the road becoms a large bridge. Both sides of the bridge are heavily fortified.   The main entrance for the kingdom are a series of heavy steel gates placed on the south, on a road which is 6 meter broad and 4 meters high. As you pass the last gate there is a large room which is the main market place of the kingdom. All wagons round about the market on a anti clockwise pattern. On the eastern side of the market place are the warehouses. A large road for the wagons to traverse into the warehouse area.   To the west are the military area, which is off limit for all externals.   To the north is the diplomatic area, it is very sparsely populated. Lots of space very few living persons.


100 % dwarves
  • Clan Steelaxe
  • Clan Corran
  • Clan Blackrock
  • Clan Hammerfriend


The King of the dwarven Kingdom Mennecor also rules the city Mennecor as they are more or less the same.   A royal court made up of nobles and craftsmen for advice

Industry & Trade

Ore mining Metal production


The infrastructure of the city Mennecor is dwarven made and amongst the best in the Aidne peninsula. All the roads are broad, straight and very well built and maintained.


The main entrance: All visitors to the dwarven city arrives over the bridge and through the main gate. This is the main entrance and the road is kept in pristine condition. The road is broad enough for four heavy carts to traverse it side by side. The road goes around the main market and the carts travels in clockwise directions. There are som smaller side roads leading into the market which is used for goods transportations only. The traffic is directed by young dwarves supervised by old veterans. This is a part of their education and used to learn about logistics and transportation.    To the east the road has a T-junction where it leads of into the warehouses district. The militia checks all wagons to make sure no one sneaks into the warehouse district, which holds much of the dwarven citys riches and goods.   To the west the road has a T-junction which leads into the military section of the city. The gate is closed at all times and only opens when the army and siege materials need to pass. There are other roads deep within the city for logistics and troop transporttions necessery.   To the north the T-junction of the roads leads into the diplomatic district and later deeper into the city it self.    Diplomatic district: the first thing which impresses the visitors is the cave roof. It is painted blue and through goes a large vein of silver which creates the illusion of clouds.    Warehouse district:   Military district:   Lake district: Deep within the city lies the natural, and expanded subterran lake, which the dwarves uses for both water and recreation. The lake is supported by an underground stream which flows higher than the lake and fills the lake from a majestic water fall. The lake have during the centuries been expanded upon through a large dam, which separates it into two lakes. The upper lake which is used for drinking, and the lower lake which is used for everything else. From the upper lake a system of aqueducts flows throughout the city supporting it with water, and feeding fountains. From the lower lake another set of aqueducts support the caves with mushroom fields.


In the marketplaces there is always craftsmen selling their wares. All weapons and armors are of good quality. They do not sell their masterclass wares over disk, but they will take admissions to craft them.


Around 1200 B.O. a large group from the central dwarven kingdoms left to start a new colony. After searching for a long while they found a rich mountain within the Aidne mountains.


The districts where the dwarves welcomes outside visitors are built to be accomodating to them. The halls are built as large squares and the roof are chipped into a perfect flat surface, which is polished to gleam. Often it is either built with white marble or painted in light colours to make their visitors feel welcome. The houses are chipped out of the mountain in such a way as they feel built, and they do not get high enough to be a part of the roof.   The pillars needed to support the roof are often broader and stronger than needed, which is made to show the visitors the security measures.   Most of the walls are white with decorations. There are regulary murals depicting important scenes from the kingdoms history distriibuted across the kingdom.


The dwarven city of Mennecor lies at the end of a valley, where the roads goes in a straight line aginst the brige of Zygosund. Just outside of the entrance there is a deep crevasse which the dwarves have built a bridge across. On both sides of the bidge is a defensive fortress which have never been conquered. Along the valley there are several smaller defensive fortressess and small village who are maintained to mainly produce ingrediences needed for mead, ale and beer.

Natural Resources

Iron, copper, silver, gold, coal, gems
Founding Date
1200 B.O.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank