Rukkhas Fortress

Rukkhas Fortress is the present name for the fortress in the Aidne mountains which is closest to the border of the Zoraki duchy Saittlebeaux. The present commander is the Ylc orc Rukkha and he is a devout follower of the Witchmaster. Althought closests to the border of Saittlebeaux, it is still far up in the Aidne mountain on the other side of the forest of Brynhildur.   The castle is built around a pass between two mountains and protects the valley behind it from attacks.

Purpose / Function

To project the witchmasters power in the area and act as a staging area in preparation for a assault on Zorakin. Also to protect passes deeper into the Aidnemountains.


The foundation where made by a human general but it has been rebuilt so many times by other species and rules that there is no clear arcithectural style. The battlement is filled with orc glyphs making it clear who rules now.


The fortess is strong and can withstand a siege. The land around is not suitable for wheeled warmachines, making it necessary to either breach the walls or a port. Otherwise the only option left is to scale the wall using ladders. On the other side there are many creaves and rocks to seek shelter in while closing.   Rukkha have a elite force of 20 Ylk orcs which serves as his bodyguard or spearhead in an assault. There are around fifty to sixty orcs of other subspecies in his command whose leaders are at least competent. In his service he has 10 Goblins who are able to serve as scouts who are able to count further than ten. Apart from that the remaining fifty goblins will grab their arms and man the ramparts if they are attacked.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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