Nokha Daughter of Merrin

Mistress Nokha

Nokha is part of a family whom have served the Witchmaster for a few generations. She is in her early thirtiees, well built and good looking. She is a powerful wizard and seer and have a wide range of leeway as an agent of the Witchmaster. She only takes order from the Witchmaster or suggestions from the commander in the force she currently are assigned too.   She have suffered from true dreaming throughout her life and is considered a seer in the society she comes from. The dreams are often blurry and it often takes work to interpret them.   A while ago her dreams have been disturbed by a common dream about a powerful evil deity being locked up in a mountain. But in the dream the Deity is released and she conquers the world and kills all living and destroy all who oppose her. In the dreams she sees The Black Tower crumble and fall. Nokha knows she needs to know more and do what she can to either make sure the deity never break frees, or how to defeat it when it does. But she also knows that if she tells this to The Witchmaster he will torture her to death for suggesting he can be defeated.

Physical Description

Body Features

A large scar on her lower abdoment which goes right through and can be seen on her back as well. Any one who knows how to see it can tell it is from a sword.

Special abilities

She can have very strongs visions during her dreams and can wake up shivering in fear.

Apparel & Accessories

She is usually dressed for the mountains and as such fur and skin make up most of her clothing. She likes to change dresses and have clean clothes, but it doesn´t bother her if she can´t. She have a few dresses for warmer climate.   As the culture she comes from seldom care about colour, most of her clothes ranges from white to black. But she have a deep blue dress she cherishes and which she uses when she want to feel pretty.

Specialized Equipment

Her staff is magical.   One of her rings is magical.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nokha were born during a thunderstorm in the Aidne mountains. During her birth a Orc Shaman were tortured and when her first cries were heard the shaman were sacrifised. All part of a ritual to imbude her with magical powers.   She and her siblings never experienced love or caring, and throughout their childhood they learned not to trust each other as well. In early age she was shipped of to a Uncle who taught her elemental and necromantic magic. As well as many other skills she needed to survive in the cruel society.   As she became adult she were often attached to war and raiding parties and bloodied herself in the battlefield many times. During a defence of a village from raiding orcs she got fatally wounded and were rendered infertile from the wound. How she survived and what visions she have had in her sick bed, she have never talked about. Her family exiled her for her failure but she remained in the good grace of The Witchmaster. In the following years she have become a problem solver for him, and she travels through his realm doing his bidding.   Her former family have a few times tried to assassin her, and so has her other enemies and she have developed a healthy paranoia.


She considers sex as a pleasant way to relax or as an display of her power over others.


She is well educated and knows very much about the demonical realms which are unknown to the cultures surrounding the Aidne mountains. She is not very well versed in the history and culture of the elven or humans realms, as she grew up within The Witchmaster of Aidne mountains realm of power. What she know she have learned from interrogating slaves or second hand information. She is well educated in magic theory and mathematics.


She is an agent in the service of The Witchmaster, and as such she have collected much wealth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her magic have been crucial in many battles and she have saved the lives of commanders in The Witchmasters

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being able to concieve children and continuing the blood line. And having the gall to survive the mortal blow which led to her failure.

Mental Trauma

She was badly hurt in a battle when she was young. She was cut deep in her belly and downwards, and although she survived the injuries she became infertile. Many in her family consider her a failure as she wont be able to continue the blood line and that she should have died instead. She struggles hard to prove her worth to her family. If she was to learn of a way to regrow her ability to give birth she would most likely to to grab it. She does not understand the power of animism and consider them weak and uniteresting, and therefore she have never pondered that the healing magic of animism could cure her old injuries.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is very intelligent and understand the power of words rather than the power of the sword. She does not fear violence, but consider it a lesser useful tool to achieve what she wants. She also does not understand empathy as she never got to learn it and have many times tortured and killed to achieve hers or The Witchmasters goals.

Morality & Philosophy

She was brought up in an cruel and evil society and as such she is a cruel and evil person. But she does not kill, torture or maim for fun, she does it to achieve goals. If she can achieve the goal through other easier means she will do it. She very well understand that she can charm, convince, seduce or bribe instead, and it is mostly her first choice.

Personality Characteristics


Her main motivation is to serve The Witchmaster and to amass personal power. But she is also driven by regaining her familys approval.   She is a seer and have had a vision about a strong deity bound in a mountain, which if it is released is a threat to The Witchmaster. She needs to learn more about it, but there are nothing to be found within the realm of The Witchmaster. She knows that she must leave the realm and travel into the surrounding areas which consider her an enemy, even if they are at peace for the moment.

Vices & Personality flaws

She views all weaker than herself as servants or uninteresting.

Personality Quirks

She is always observing her surrounding or the one she talks to. When she observing her surroundings she gives a paranoid impression. When she observes the one she talks to she is quite intimidating.   She never goes to sleep without casting protective spells, and never eat or drink without casting a spell to pure the edibles.


She likes to stay clean and always spend time every morning to comb through her hair. She always have bottles of perfume with her.


Contacts & Relations

She has many connections within The Witchmasters realm in the Aidne mountains. But outside of it she has no connections.

Family Ties

She is the black sheep of her family and as such can't use their influence in power plays.

Religious Views

She have amassed a large knowledge about what Gods are, and as such she knows, unlike most black bloods which follow him, The Witchmaster is no God.    She does not pray to any God but understand the importance of not make them angry as well. She have heard about many different Gods but does not really know much about them, but she is very curious and want to learn more about them. And also understand why so many swear fealty and obedience to one God and not those other Gods. She doesn´t understand churches and religions.

Social Aptitude

She is used to lead and that those surrounding her listen to what she says, and obeys when she demands it.   She is good at political intrigues and diplomacy as well. Although she is better at diplomacy when she have a military force to back her up.


She doesn´t like small talk and prefer to do things rather than wait.   When she doesnt feel secure or get lash of anxiety she usually respond with anger.

Hobbies & Pets

She likes to gain knowledge and reading. But the knowledge needs to be useful to her and her goals

Wealth & Financial state

She have much personal wealth which she carries with her. It is a collection of different coins from different realms, but also jewellery and gems.
Lawful evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
581 A.O. 31 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A orc shaman where sacrifised at her birth to make sure her magical powers where to become strong.
The Black Tower
Brown in colour and they are always very observant
Long and black (magically altered from brown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 cm
55 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Just kill them so we can move on.
She knows Gods exist but worship none
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Her native language is Black Speech 
  • She knows Jori and both read and write it well
  • She reads Imperial Jori well
  • She can read some Draconic
  • She can speak a smattering of demonic
Character Prototype
The seer and wizard on a quest which takes her into a enemy land.