Witchmaster of the Blacktower

The Black tower of the Aidne mountains is the base of the Witchmasters organisations. Even though the black tower is the main focus it is actually a large fortress made out of stone whom seems to be black. This stone is not found within the Aidne mountains and it is unclear how such a large fortress could have been built whithout the surrounding countries noticing it.   The design of the fortress exhumes power and control, and it is clear that it is intended to withstand a long siege. As far as anyone can see, it can easily contain a full army and there would still be plenty of room within in it. It is also rumoured that it continues further down within the mountain than can be seen.   The Blacktowers dominion extends outwards from the keep, further than its enemies believe. Although the further away from the keep they get, the more battles there are with the orc tribes, as they also claim the same lands. Mostly the witchmaster claims the more fertile grounds to produce food for his armies. But he also claimes mines which are heavily protected. The food that are produced within the mountains are on the brink of supporting his armies, which is why they occasionally raid the surrounding lands.   To protect and manifest its power the Blacktower have placed small fortresses in strategic locations. Unlike the black tower they built with stone from local quarries. Depending on who are the lord of the fortress they can look different. Where there is a Orc lord they are cramped with orc "art" and roughly built add ons. Where there are a more civilised master, the fortress will look more like a fortess found in Kardien.   The villages of the realm are clearly of orcish design, and seems to lack all kind of planning. There are usually at least one large house where the slaves are allowed to sleep.


The Witchmaster is the supreme leader but have a cadre of selected highly skilled individuals whom leads his forces and carry out his wishes.


The witchmaster allows all kind of culture as long as the are loyal to him. The culture that is dominant in the realm are actually orc barbarism, controlled by discipline. A goblin will behave as a goblin when he can get away with it, but if the masters eyes are upon him he will stand straight in line.

Public Agenda

To consolidate his power in the Aidne mountains and gain power in the surrounding kingdoms.


  • The black tower 
  • Small scattered mines producing iron and coal. The mines also produce small amounts of other ore, amongst them gold and silver.
  • Stone fortressess in strategic locations.
  • Small villages producing resources for the army.

Demography and Population

Orcs and goblins make up the main of the population, either as soldiers, but they can be found in other occupations as well. But orcs and goblins are also found as slaves toiling the fields or in the mines.   There are a scattering of other races as well but seldom enough to influence the culture of realm.


The southwestern part of the Aidne mountains are considerd the realm of the Blacktower. The population can be found in the vallies where the land is at least a little fertile, but also surrounding mines or fungus caves.


The army of the Black tower are build around the orc infantry. A typical orc soldier are equipped in a chainmail shirt above a leather jacket, and heavy leather boots. Most of them have a helmet to protect their heads, but they seldom wear anything on their legs. They are equipped with a crudde spear and a large shield, with almost everyone have som kind of handweapon by their side. As the forges mass produce broad scimitars it is the most common weapon.  As wood is scarce in the mountains there are few units with missile weapons, and no archers at all. The most common missile weapon are crossbows, as they can be built with steel. The crossbows produce by the Blacktowers forges have a blade portruding forwards making them useful in close combat as well.   There are infantry units of goblins as well, but they are more lightly equipped and are deployed to harass more than fight.  The goblins otherwise constitutes the only cavalry available for the Blacktower with their ability to ride wolves. As wolves demand more food, and it is scarce there are only a few units, which are trained to be scouts and raiders. They are not equipped or trained to put up a real or prolonged fight.    The witchmaster have a unit of Ogres that are planned to be used as spearhead and wallbreakers in battles. When the army is noth gathered they are spreadout within the realm.


Most of the inhabitant worship whatever god they like, but it is common for the orcs to worship the Witchmaster as either a god or a speaker of a god. It is not unkown for brawls to develop as orcs tries to decide which god he is a speaker for.

Foreign Relations

The main foreign relations are with the Orc and goblin clans in the surrounding mountains. Sometimes in cooporation but mostly at war. The blacktower mostly raid them for resources and slaves. But in truth they are defending themselves more than attacking. There are no formal contact with the kingdoms surrounding the mountains except for wars and raids.

Agriculture & Industry

There are small farms in the valleys  which are herding goats for milk, meat and leather. There are some basic farming where the soil allow it. There are large fungus caves. The main industry are weapons and armament. Iron and coal mines

Trade & Transport

Small trade with surrounding orc clans, if they are not at war.


The surrounding areas of the Black tower are heavily fortified and good roads. The roads are local, between mines and villages, there are no roads outward..
Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
Gold and silver in bribes.
Major Imports
Mostly food, wood and steel. Raiding is the most common way.
Legislative Body
The witchmaster rules the realm and decides on all the laws.
Judicial Body
The local general or master of make sure everybody follow the laws. As the punishment either are whipping or death the sentence are delivered at the same time as the decition.
Controlled Territories

They have no contact

The witchmaster are a long standing enemy whom are always plotting against Kardien.


The witchmaster are a long standing enemy whom are always plotting against Zorakin. The last war where never concluded and in theory still rages. There is no diplomatic relationship between the two parts.

Articles under Witchmaster of the Blacktower