Red Daggers

The Red Daggers is a goblin tribe whom inhabits the eastern part of the Brynhildur forest of the Zoraki land. They are a nomadic tribe who do not have any permanent settlements. They are locked up in a long war with the Black Eye goblin tribe. The two tribes generally tries to avoid each other but when groups meet up the fighting is vicious and bloody.   When tribes meets they trade and interbreed and feast. This usually means that individual goblins change tribe as well. A goblin might change tribe several times during their lifecycle.


The tribe is divided up in many smaller tribes whom all have their own chieftan. The tribal chieftan are dominated by the largest tribes chieftan.


The Red Dagger tribe inhabit the eastern parts of The Forest of Brynhildur. They are a nomadic people and there are no permanent habitats, although some of the tribes have spots they frequently return to.


All adult goblins are hunters and gatherers and well used with using weapons and hunting together in groups. They use these skills well when they find themselves in combat.

Technological Level

The tribe have no smelting or smithing capabilities what so ever. They are very good at bone crafting and a large supply of bones.


Even for goblins the tribe is very superstitious and pay tributes to all kind of spirits. They see spirits in everything that is out of the ordinary and several things that is ordinary. A very large tree that have grown strange is home to a strong spirit. A tree being suffocated by vines is a spiritual battle.    Although any member in the tribe can offer to the spirits there are in some tribes a schaman.

Agriculture & Industry

They have a long time cooperation with several wolf packs, whom they feed meat in exchange for defense and help with hunting.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations

Constant state of hostility

The two clans are at war, but do not wage it. They raid each other and if groups encounter each other it usually ends in violence. But they do not try to eradicate each other in prolonged war.