The Black Eyes

The Black eyes is the dominant Goblin tribe of the western part of Brynhildur forest in Zorakin. They are ruled from an old Jorpi mine which they call Ottar bogglf, which is roughly translated into settlement land. From within the village the tribal chieftan Vorkk Urganob whom have ruled the tribe for five years. He is one of the few Goblins whom have a Worg by his side. He has a strained cooperation with the tribes schamans, as long as they do not try to gain power over him.   Vorkk is quite simple and doesn't actually rule the tribe as much as being the strongest and most vicious of them. This creates stability within the power structure of the tribe and the tribe can focus on gathering resources rather than infighting.   A large portion of the tribe lives or spends a majority of the year within Ottar bogglf, but there are still a significant portion of the goblins roaming the forest. There are a few tent villages whom have become permanent settlement for the goblins within the forest. Often located near a source of water. Although few humans know where to find them, they actually are not very well hidden. They are surrounded by filth and goblins making their homes are often rowdy and loud.   The tribe is at war with the other large goblin tribe within the forest. They generally try to avoid each other but when they meet the fighting is vicious. Another big problem for the tribe is a group of forest trolls who make their home close to the capital. The trolls consider goblins a delicacy and hunt them as often as they can. The goblins have learned to avoid the Trolls, but sometimes they are caught. Begev have located the Troll cave and have started leaving offerings to them, in form of captured goblins from the Red daggers tribe.    
  • Begev Shak: Begev is a intelligent and strong goblin of the Black Eyes tribe. He could easily become the tribe chieftan if he wanted, but doesn¨t have that ambition yet. Instead he makes sure to give tribute to whomever is the chieftan and honour him when he visits the capital. Begev have a small band of Goblins following him and actually obeying his orders without him having to threaten them. Begev have turned his motly band into a well trained and disciplined force. Begev have seen how effective the crossbow the humans use are, and have pillage enough of them to equip his band. He has also forced a few goblins from the closest settlement to learn how to make bolts, and make sure there are enough of them in Begevs tent. Begey move around in the forest close to the barony Garouex. Begey is armed with a light crossbow, handaxe and a small shield. He wears a leather armour for protection. His followers are equipped in the same way as Begev.
  • Grotnikk: Grotnikk is the leading Shaman and are probably the oldest goblin in the tribe. He is content with his life as most goblins fear him for his power. He is actually competent in spellcasting, and most of the times he tries to cast a spell he succeeds.


The black eyes are a large Goblin tribe which is led by a chieftan. The tribe is divided into several smaller tribes which lives semi permanent in some areas, while other live a nomadic life within their area if the Brynhildur forest.   Close to the Stirpiz river in the north of the Brynhildur forest there is an old Iron mine from the Jorpagana empire. Surrounding it is the ruins of the gated village. It is the main home of the Black Eyes and their chieftan lives what is an old temple in the middle of the village. The walls are still strong but the original gates have since long rotted away. the goblins have replaced them several times with their own made gates. The place is called Ottar bogglf, which is roughly translated into settlement land.   The village is also home to a few of the  most profilic Shamans of the Tribe.


A well armed and armoured party could approach a settlement without being attacked since the goblins would reason this way: Sure we could kill them and that chainmail looks nice, but many of us would die and I don't want to be the one dying.


The only real assets the tribe have is their manpower.   What the goblins do not know is that the ore mine they hold contains very much iron at top level grade. If it was known to the ruling class of Zorakin, they would crush the goblins and start it up again, as the ore is easily attainable.

Demography and Population

Goblins 95 %


From the Eastern shores of the Stirpiz river and stretching eastwards into the Brynhildur forest.


All goblins of the tribe knows how to fight but there are a significant portion of them who fulfill the combined role of fighter/raider/hunter. They rove the forest in small bands searching for game of raiding opportunites.   A common "hunter" goblin is armed with a bow (pilbåge) with 10 stonetipped arrows and 5 steeltipped. A club and small wooded shield. A dagger, probably stone and fur armour on the body and head.   The more proficent goblins serving as guards and tribal warriors are usually better equipped. They are not in any way standarized but common armament could be the following. A steel tipped spear and a small wooden shield. A shortsword or other handweapon. A leather armour and a steel pot helmet.

Technological Level

The technological level of the tribe is low, and the iron smithing is crude. Traps made by the tribe is on a basic level with no machinery at all. They do know how to build crude huts, but prefer caves and skin tents.   They can erect wooden pallisade with simple wooden gates. They can't build high stone walls.   As most of the iron and steel needs to be "imported" it is a uncommon commudity in the tribes. Steel are often found in arrow- and spearheads when used in weaponry. And even those are uncommon enough to only be used in combat. When hunting the goblins mostly use sharpened sticks or stone based tips. The most common weapon of war in the tribe is the club, sometimes with nails driven through.

Agriculture & Industry

In a few of the more permanent settlements there are some agriculture being done. It can be a small cave where they make sure the right fungus live. Or perhaps they make sure a family of boars or deer stay in the same location so they might kill one or two of them. What they do not do, is cultivating large fields of the same crop.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Major Imports
Raiding from the humans to the south, and the Red dagger tribe who claims the eastern parts of Brynhildur forest.

Constant state of hostility

The two clans are at war, but do not wage it. They raid each other and if groups encounter each other it usually ends in violence. But they do not try to eradicate each other in prolonged war.