The order of the Hippogriff

In order to be a member of the order you have to be the owner of a Hippogriff. If the Hippogriff dies you may remain in the order, but not as a part of their fighting structure. Any one who are the owner of a Hippogriff are allowed to become a member and if or when they are noted worthy they recieve the rank knight. The order have sworn to train any one who have a Hippogriff to become a knight. And as all knights are noble for some it means an elevation of stature. In the Kardian part of the order only Echts are allowed to become a member as only Echts are allowed to be noble. If a non echt gets a Hippogriff they are firmly and kindly sent off to Zorakin if they want to become a member.   Although every member is a warrior and most likely trained to be knight since childhood, they must relearn what they used to know when they become members of the order. In the order they are trained to use their Hippogriff as their prime weapon. To let it do the attack while they use their shield and spear to support and protect the Hippogriff.    Members are required to spend one month of each year in one of its castles and serve the order. Some knights live in the castles for longer time, some for their whole lives.    The orders are supported by the rulers of Kardien and Zorakin and in exchange they are granted a trained Hippogriff and trained in its use. The order also gets income from its land and castles. The members also contribute to the order in any way they can.   The order are well aware that many non member knights and other lords look upon them with envy.


On top of the organizational structure is the king of Zorakin and the king of Kardien. The order takes it order directly from the king of each country.


The order is a very including order to its members. They do not make a difference between knights based on their ethnicity or upbringing.

Public Agenda

To defend the ruler and his or hers subjects.


A few castles in the north of Zorakin and Kardien where they scout the land from dangers. They have cattle farms close by, which they use for dairy products. And when the cattle grow old, they become food for the Hippogriffs.

Trust and protect your steed.

Military Order
Related Species
Related Ethnicities