
After the conflux, chaos arose even in the most western province of the old Jorpagna. Although the inhabitants of what is now Kardien didnĀ“t suffer as much from the meat eating insects as more populated areas of the old Jorpagna, they were hit hard enough for the organised society to crumble. Kardien had always been a unruling province filled with small battles with the local tribes.   One of those tribes were the proud echter whom had their ancestral home on the "Divras udde". They spoke a language which were like no other in the area, and had very little peaceful interactions with the surrounding tribes or the Jorpagni colonisers. They prefered to be left alone and as they were powerful warriors who knew well how to use their horses for a mobile warfare they could enforce their borders very well.   After ending the civil war which raged in the ravaged region, the tribe once again withdrew to their ancestral homes and until the Faltraxians asked for their intervention kept to themselves.   The Echter are a proud people whom have a natural suspicion against strangers. They are very honorable and would never break an oath. They see themselves as Kardiens rightful rulers and show very little tolerance towards other people. They have a very liveful and almost pathetic display of feelings and they will easily change their mood several times a day. Most Echters are usually very meladromatic.   Echter are the ruling class of the country Kardien and almost all of them are from noble blood. They are not from the Jori lineage, and it is unknown from where they hail. Echter are seldom married to other ethnicitys but if they are, their kids loose all rights to inheritance or ownership of land or estate in Kardien. Usually Echter have great problems concieving kids with other ethnicitys, which a few scholars suppose depend of the fact that they are from another breed of humans than the Jori or Nargurian people.


Major language groups and dialects

As they were not of Jori they once had a language of their own, which is now almost extinct. Now the common language is Jori with a old fashioned feeling. It is very formal and flowery with long sentences.   Between themselves they use their own language called Echti.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Echter almost only marry within their ethniticy. The Kardian law only allow the oldest male child to inherit, all other must make their own fortunes.   Even though the sword is considered the most noble of weapons for a knight of the realm, the warhammer are becoming more common.

Historical figures

Valentin Echthe:


Beauty Ideals

As Echter almost only intermarry within Echter the beauty ideals are quite set. An ideal Echter is tall and well built, they have shortcut blond hair with blue eyes. A married man have beard and an unmarried do not.

Gender Ideals

The male rule the land and wages war, while a good women rule the home and raise the family.

Courtship Ideals

The courtship is very long and romantic, but in the end the parents of both families have to agree. There is also the formality of going through the family history to avoid being to close in family.

Relationship Ideals

A man and a wife with a large family. Unfortunatly the fertility rate is low which leads to a few children

Major organizations

Echter rules Kardien