
The people called Penner is the descendants of the orginal tribes and Jori settlers whom lived in the souther parts of Grindau. As they are descendants of the people who lived in parts of Zorakin before the conflux they have retained and developed most of their culture from the old imperium Jorpagnias culture and values. They are considered to be more cultivated than the other cultures on the Aidne peninsula. In many ways the dialect of Jori they speak still reminds of the old Jori language, and many outsiders consider it old fashioned. As they where the founders of the Zoraki kingdom a large porpotion af the nobility are from Penner stock, but most Penner are still peasants and serfs. Together with the Legerdians the Penner are considered to be the true Zoraki people, a view they share.   History of the Penner.
When the Imperia Jorpagni started to spread and colonize, the ancestors of the Penner people already lived on the southern part of the the Grindau peninsula. They where a warlike tribal people who where masters of fighting from horseback. The Penner where organized into tribes whom sometimes traded and lived in peace and sometimes waged war on each others. Most of the tribes where semi nomadic and followed their herds as they grazed. The southern tribes on the other hand have strated cultivating the lands and building settlements.   When the Jorpagnian empire arrived the tribes met an enemy they had no experience fighting and were quickly pacified, but not broken. As the Jorpagni rules where quite uninterested in the northern part of the land, they consolidated on the southern and coastal parts of the Grindnau peninsula. The local Penner tribes adapted and cooperated with the Jorpagnis, learning from them. As the jorpagni had a long tradition of agriculture there was much to gain from them the local Penner recognised. Amongst the Jorpagni there came a previous unknown sapient species called halflings whom where master gardeners and farmers. It seemed as the fertility of the land where almost holy to the halflings and they flocked to it, founding their own small communities. As the halflings also brought the knowledge how to make ale and wine with them, the local Penner tribes accepted them as a natural part of the local lands.   During the Jorpagnian rule the southern tribes of Penner became semi civilized and learned alot about trade and effective administration, while the northern and inland tribes remained warlike and seminomadic. The more civilized tribes learned about the rest of the imperium and found new allies and trade partners within the imperium. Many young Penner also became a part of the Imperia Jorpagnias army and navy, learning new ways to fight as well as new improved weapons. When they retired from service they brought the knowledge to their tribes, and taught them how to wage war, rather than the skirmishes they used to call war.   The northern and inland Penner tribes looked upon their brethern with suspicion as they grew civilized and more an more became citizen of Jorpagni rather than Penner. The tension were growing and the barbarians where becoming a problem that needed to be solved. In cooperation with the administratiors from Imperium Jorpagna the local lords made plans and prepared to drag their kin into the empire, by force. But no amount of planning could have prepared them for the third Conflux.   After the conflux when the Imperia Jorpagni fell apart the southern part of the Grindau fell into a perpetual strife from within. The families and descendants of those whom have had a large influence in the area during the jorpagni time where fighting to take control of the south and coasts, while the tribes of the north and inland tried to establish control of the resources . As some northern chieftans managed to control more than on tribe, they started using the old title King. While the subjugated chieftan where titlet duke. Several shortlived kingdoms rose up and fell, often within a few years as the king died.   The southern tribes consolidated and fortified their villages to tackle the dark times. Although their tribal heritage resurfaced they still remembered the Imperium and retained the knowledges. Through inmarriage, trade and war the power balance in the south where settled in favour for a tribe the Jorpagni had refered to as Chorrakiums. The Chorrakiums located their capital in the town called Pethon and had a well developed relation with the Lyaceum. They also developed the old trade lines and found new allies, and sources of wealth. Through diplomacy and bribery they managed to inhibit the northern tribes to unite and in short and bloody wars they subjugated the remainin tribes and founded the Penner kingdom.   The Penner kindom where made up by the Duchies Amittefeux, Dravioauxe and Litherinne. To the northe the border were quite naturally the Torilforest. To the northeast the Grimmani swamp separated them from the large plains of Pharynx and the people living there. To the northwest where the land of the Raxorian people, with constant border skirmishes and raids between the two people.

Naming Traditions

Family names

  • Baugge
  • LePeviennes
  • Hachel de Solaires
  • Bacinette - Le Fleurs
  • Harienne


Major language groups and dialects

A dialect of Jori whom are heavily influented by the old Jori spoken in Jorpagna. It is filled with ancient words and for outsiders it filled with unneccessary words and letters.

Culture and cultural heritage

The penner heritage are from the Jori people of the Jorpagna empire. For most penner it is important to not only be a valiant warrior, but also to be well versed in poetry, history and other arts.   Being a warrior or a trader are held in high value for the Penner.

Common Etiquette rules

The Penner are the noble of Zorakin and their etiquette are complicated and very ritualised.   A common greeting is to hold your right hand up palm forward to show that you are unarmed.

Common Dress code

Generally Penner fashion includes bright colours, and they donĀ“t like to have more than one colour on each piece of clothing.   A male noble have a large knee long tunic, with opening in the back and front for riding. Beneath it they wear a thinner but just as long tunic of lighter fabric. They have hoses beneath them. The boots are sturdy and high usually made of leather. Usually they wear rings and chains in gold and silver.     The women wear several layers of dresses.   The dresses of the nobles are conservative and do not show skin or the outline of the body.   The Burgher wears similar clothing but of cheaper fabric.

Art & Architecture

The Penner prefer art and architecture that are from or heavily inspired by the old Jorpagna. Except for the military and castle evolution that are much more functional than the old Jorpagna. Otherwise they build high and with much air and prefer light colours.

Coming of Age Rites

When a penner becomes eighteen they are considered an adult and their parents throw them a feast. During the feast their kin are supposed to give them small gifts of things that are useful in life to come. The gifts are not meant to be expensive but rather useful. Giving a hammer is a perfect gift as it is useful for a long time, while givin a set of earrings would be akward.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When a penner dies they are to be buried as quickly as possible. The funeral is heavily ritualised and everyone knows what is expected of them. All the closest families are to be present by the coffin weeping while the riarks asks Odo to accept the dead in his service.

Common Myths and Legends

The first king of the Penner kingdom (before Zorakin) where an immortal, who left the kingdom after having rules for one hundred years.

Historical figures

Valien Rikesbyggare who created Zorakin after defeating the Lindskiarns.


Beauty Ideals

Being tall and keeping the body fit is a sign of beauty for a Penner. They also appreciate a nice cut and well proportioned face, preferably with a beaked nose.

Gender Ideals

In the penner culture the women is the caretaker and mistress of the household, while the men are away trading or fighting. But it is not considered a problem if the roles are exchanged. It is not common though.

Courtship Ideals

The courtships are long and follow a set of traditional rules which are heavily ritualised. It all start with the men asking the womens guardian (often the father) if he is allowed to court the lady.

Relationship Ideals

The ideal is that a man and woman marries and start a family.   Homosexuality is considered an affront to the teaching of Odo, but are not forbidden.

Major organizations

The kingdom of Zorakin.