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Astral Sea

A silvery expanse of undifferentiated Ectoplasm. The Astral Sea is mostly nothingness, acting as insulation between the Material and Mental realms, and between the mental realms themselves.


An ectoplasmic dimension of vast emptiness there is little in the way of geography. It is usually in relation to locations in the Mindscape or around the scant isolated phenomena and landmarks.

Localized Phenomena

The Maelstrom- a massive psychic hurricane that has raged for millennia. Many tell the tale of successfully navigating to the eye and what they found. Only fools believes them.   The Evercalm- They eye of the Maelstrom, it is an area so calming, emotionally, that one is at the risk of laying down and dying. What great treasure can be found here to be so deviously guarded?


Each being that enters the Astral Sea, experiences it as their ideal climate unless some outside force is acting upon the area.   However the true climate of the Astral Sea isn't how it feels to the body but how it feels to the mind. The Astral Sea is considered nonaligned and emotionfree. However, it easily picks up these traits from those within the vicinity.

Fauna & Flora

While a current theory of the Arcane Order holds that there are no creatures native to the Astral Sea, there can certainly be made a case that some have adapted to it better than others. In additional to these creatures, denizens of the Mindscape occasionally find themselves lost here.

Natural Resources

Ectoplasm is the most plentiful resource available, and the most demanded, given how hard it is manifest ectoplasm over a long-term. It has numerous uses in magic and alchemy.
Alternative Name(s)
Astral Plane, Astral World, Barzakh, The Gauntlet, Limbo, The Silver Sea, The Veil
Dimensional plane
Location under
Related Materials


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