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Still-Water Tiefling {Izanami}

Still-Water Tieflings are intrinsically connected to Meido and Izanami, Being named after the most common sight in said realm.   Known as one of the nicer tiefling types, As well as one of the more common, Lead them to be easily accepted into society. These Tieflings have slimmer builds and are often shorter on average than most humans, They will have more exotic looking horns, Such as horns that look like antlers, Small blades, Jagged barbed wire and even sometimes with only one horn placed central on the forehead. They've been known to have almost any eye color in existence, They'll usually come in blue or grey skin tones and every shade in-between those two.   These Tieflings are not really feared by most, Due to their calm and nurturing presence.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Still-Water Tieflings can usually only be found in Takahara, Xuebao and sometimes in Draland as well.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Due to their location, Still-Waters will often have Takaharan names.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
4'0" - 5'8" (1.2 - 1.73 meters)
Average Weight
90lbs - 180lbs (40kg - 81kg)