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Susanoo (スサノオ)

God of the Sea and Storms

The Calm Storm

Some call him "The Calm Storm", Others call him "That one farmer that stole a sack of rice from me a few days back", But whatever the locals may think of him, Susanoo is only trying to live his best life, And maybe sneak a few helping hands to the mortals every now and then.   Several millennia ago, Susanoo, Along with a handful of other beings were created by Ahriman as a way to boost the gods population a little more. Among these other figures, Was his Sister, Amaterasu, Whom he had formed a strong bond with very quickly, A bond that has lasted all the way up to the present day. Izanami, Seeing this bond form, decided to guide them (And the others) to becoming acquainted with the "World" Around them, Quickly forming a bond with both of them. They enjoyed each others presence a lot more than the others, Something that had been noticed by the rest of the gods. Though it was less a friendly bond and more of a familial one, With Izanami falling into the motherly role. A few hundred years go by and by now most of the gods see them as a family, So naturally, The three decide to go along with it.   Going a little closer to present day, Susanoo mainly spends his time fishing, cooking and going into the towns to either talk with people or to trade. Although he would much rather be spending his time helping the mortals, Not just in Takahara, But all around Erethes. However, Due to his sisters rulings, He is not allowed to interfere in any mortal activities or problems, Or he will be banished from the Prime Material plane, Forced to live in either Takamagahara or another alternate plane of his choosing, If he wishes it. Susanoo would much rather live among the common folk rather than his fellow gods, So he abides by the rules for now, Waiting until a threat he deems big enough to arrive, So he can break the rules when absolutely necessary.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Aegis and Ocean


The Storm Blade, A seemingly normal Katana with a cool sea mist encircling it, You can occasionally hear the faint sound of thunder emanate from it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tornado infused with lightning, Often colored with a Light Blue or Light Grey color scheme.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to his godly nature (And the ungodly amounts of cardio he works into his day), He is surprisingly Fit and very Cut. Though he is still really skinny, You can definitely see his muscle mass.   He is also moderately healthy and enjoys keeping on certain diets from time to time, Though the whole alcohol situation helps to hinder that idea.

Facial Features

He has a sharp jawline, Squinting eyes, smaller ears and a resting sulk face. Often accompanied with either a trimmed beard covering the entire jaw and top lip, A goatee or an Archer Beard.   He's practically the living reason why these features immediately come to mind for most people when thinking about the "Wandering Ronin" type figure.

Identifying Characteristics

He often wears a straw farmers hat everywhere, No matter where he's going or what the climate is there. He also will have a piece of either wheat or straw in his mouth, Though he does tend to forgo this one a decent amount.   His most noticeable feature would almost certainly be his weapon, As it looks far too expensive for a simple farmer to be wielding it. Not to mention that the blade itself has a slight mist floating around it at all times, Though most people don't seem to notice this one for whatever reason.

Apparel & Accessories

Often wearing a straw cloak of sorts paired with either a Kimono or Very casual traveler's clothes underneath, He combines it with a straw hat, a few sheathes and some pouches to really complete the look. This is what he'll be wearing almost every time he's seen in public.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Susanoo has an intense resentment for his mother, Whom he believed could've not only done a better job of safeguarding the world as a whole, But also with him, When he had nobody else to turn to, She turned her back on him.

Morality & Philosophy

For all of the problems the world has, Susanoo believes that it should still be protected at all costs, Even if it's just for the common people.

Personality Characteristics


The thing he desires most is to help the mortals, Like the old days. But due to certain limitations, His current motivation is to live as peaceful of a life as possible.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Surprisingly enough, Susanoo is great at blacksmithing, Mercantile and Sailing. Though he does not do any of these too often.   He is terrible at most cooking, Unless it's Seafood of any type.

Likes & Dislikes

Absolutely loves Fish dishes, Sake (honestly just any type of alcohol), And the ocean.   Dislikes Beef (In every sense of the word), Pirates and overly obedient people.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind-Hearted, Understanding and generally a chill dude no matter who he's talking to in almost any situation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Addicted to Alcohol and under the notion that most mortals can't be saved from their violent tendencies, However he still tries either way.


Contacts & Relations

Susanoo has many trading and merchant contacts through out Takahara, Though all of them believe that he is an ordinary farmer.

Social Aptitude

He is very calm and understanding about almost anything, This leads most people to believe he is just overconfident. Though he doesn't care much for etiquette, He has great manners and will often surprise people with just how respectful he can be.


He will often rest his hand on the pommel of his sword at all times, And will shorten his words a lot more than most people. (Ex. "Ain't you gonna do that too?")   Less Redneck and more Cowboy type speech.

Hobbies & Pets

In his downtime, Susanoo actually really enjoys fishing or making new friends, Though it's mostly the fishing part he likes the best.


The most common phrases you'll hear from him are things like "Ain't that a damn shame." or "Happens to the best of us.", Most of the time he'll just use gestures for Greetings and such.   He only really uses swears in his normal speech to accentuate the importance of an idea or to seem more down to earth, Never to insult or attack.



Brother (Vital)

Towards Amaterasu




Sister (Vital)

Towards Susanoo




Son (Trivial)

Towards Izanami




Mother (Vital)

Towards Susanoo




Upon forming the second batch of gods within the Abyss, Izanami felt that she had to help guide this new set of beings. Eventually forming a much stronger bond with Amaterasu and Susanoo over the others, Becoming much more of a mother figure rather than a simple guide.   At some point a few thousand years later, Susanoo was going through somewhat of an identity crisis, And when he went to ask his mother for help, She turned him down, Stating that the balance of the underworld had to be kept and she couldn't stop tending to it because of something "Not nearly as important".


Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Poseidon




Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Susanoo



Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Status
Hanging out at his farm
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Olym, 9486 BR
Year of Birth
9486 BR 10251 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Amaterasu (Sister)
Current Residence
Susanoo's House, Takahara Isles
Blue-Grey Color, Squinty
Long, Messy, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tanned
5'6" (1.67 meters)
146lbs (66kg)
Known Languages
Susanoo is fluent in almost every language due to his interest in the budding cultures a while back.