Wayward saga Erlyse's General World History Timeline

Erlyse's General World History

Post Tenzerai Event

1 - 442

  • 1 PTE

    1 Vrant 15:00

    The Tenzerai
    Era beginning/end

    The Tenzerai was an event of major proportions that occurred briefly, yet encompassed the entire world. It was triggered by the interaction of an empowered individual attempting to manipulate the ley grid of Erlyse during an experiment of their own design at the end of the M'trosk Renn cycle. This experiment resulted in a violent eruption of Ley energy, which also created a low level shock wave that traveled across the surface of, and through the very core of the planet. While in transit, this energy seemed to target very specific individuals that belonged to bloodlines which held political influence and enhanced the genetics of these individuals in relatively minor, but impactful ways. Descendants of these bloodlines were not empowered like people who discovered a Ley Font, but did gain increases in physical capacities such as enhanced strength, agility, endurance and senses, as well as a vast boost in mental acuity. Individuals from these bloodlines became known as the "ley touched" by the Djinn, compared to the "ley saturated" for those empowered directly from a Font. These descendants would go on to become unfortunate targets for a cult dedicated to keeping balance in the world's power hierarchy as much as possible.

  • 202 PTE

    26 Loten 08:00
    202 PTE

    28 Loten 17:00

    Battle of the Izablen Steppes
    Military action
  • 255 PTE

    6 Pfeft

    Disappearance of the Cainvalas Family
    Political event

    A mystery that still baffles many in Erlyse, the world was shocked to discover the various chambers of the Phinhamal ruling family line, the Cainvalas family, all empty on the same day. This was more than a single, contained event as it was the case for every single member of the known family line from the King and Queen to the third cousins. There was no evidence of foul play involved in any of the circumstances, leading to the conclusion that this was a silent abdication of power by the family and their holdings within Phinhamal's capital, Gardenspur.

  • 296 PTE

    3 Nembar

    Founding of Uxsager

    With the consistent destabilization of the nation of Phinhamal after the Cainvalas Family's disappearance, the nation's circumstantial leadership of the time, known as the Four Elects, convened with a powerful political figure from the bordering nation of Jaribran to announce a new union between the two nations, forming a single political entity to be known as the Empire of Uxsager. Uxsager would, over the first decade of its founding, establish itself as a military powerhouse and an expansionist one at that, quickly claiming the borders of three smaller nations which had previously been a nuisance to Harraska Toubian, the first Emperor of Uxsager, until his unification between Jaribran and Phinhamal.

  • 367 PTE

    15 Sanpi
    374 PTE

    31 Prytza

    The Great Monster Migration
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 425 PTE

    9 Basi 22:00

    Arrival of the Daughter of Constellations
    Life, Birth

    Birth of Emeline Desreumaux, Princess of Astrindon

  • 442 PTE

    2 Yerila

    Unknown Assailants "Assassinate" Gibil & Shala Atlasi
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The arrival of a group of warships from Uxsager in the harbor of Port Caraver was only the first red flag of many that culminated in the events of the beginning of Sabira's adventures.

    Port Caraver