Old Gods of Eroedon

The Old Gods have been worshipped by humankind on Erodon as many Great Cycles as there are records and myths. Together they make up the Ancient Pantheon. Being the state religion of Colandria, followers of Luminar are very common. However, many still venerate the others as their culture, occupation or circumstances dictate.


Luminar - The Radiant Creator, Bringer of Light and Protection

Luminar is a powerful and enigmatic god who embodies the qualities of creation, watchfulness, and protection. They are often depicted as a tall, slender figure, with piercing eyes that seem to see all. Radiating an aura of radiant light, Luminar stands as the guardian deity, offering unwavering protection to their followers. They possess the ability to perceive danger before it arises and are always watching over their worshippers with a vigilant eye. Luminar's watchful presence extends beyond physical safety, encompassing moral and spiritual well-being. Their devotees build towers and beacons in their honour, seeking their guidance and protection in times of darkness. Through their unwavering vigilance and illuminating presence, Luminar guides their followers through life's challenges and inspires them to uphold justice and seek balance in all things.

Korvath - The Unyielding Fury

Korvath is a formidable deity of chaos and war in the realm of Eroedon. Towering and muscular, adorned with intricate armour that gleams with the fiery hues of embers, he emanates an aura of primal power. His piercing crimson eyes burn with an intense and unwavering gaze, reflecting his insatiable hunger for battle and the unyielding force of his wrath. With a mane of wild, flame-like hair and a voice that resonates like thunder, Korvath commands the ferocity of the battlefield, unleashing chaos and inspiring warriors with an unrelenting spirit of determination and conquest.

Sunuth - The Divine Arbiter

Sunuth stands as a magnificent embodiment of celestial power and divine authority. She is revered as the goddess of order and the elements, her presence bringing balance and harmony to the world. Sunuth is often depicted as a radiant figure with ethereal beauty, her form emanating a gentle yet awe-inspiring radiance. Her complexion is reminiscent of the golden hues of a sunrise, exuding warmth and vitality. Adorned in flowing garments of celestial origin, Sunuth's robes billow gracefully, mirroring the dance of solar winds. Her long, flowing hair shimmers with the brilliance of sunlight, cascading around her like a radiant halo. Golden threads woven into her attire sparkle like stars, hinting at her celestial origins. Sunuth's eyes, the colour of molten gold, possess a serene and piercing gaze, conveying wisdom and a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the universe.

Thantos - the Divine Sentinel of Truth and Justice

Thantos, revered as the Divine Sentinel of Truth and Justice, stands as an unwavering bastion of righteousness in the realm of Eroedon. Cloaked in robes of shimmering silver and adorned with intricate golden engravings, he emanates an aura of divine authority and impartiality. His piercing sapphire eyes hold the weight of knowledge and discernment, ever vigilant in upholding the principles of truth and fairness. With a resolute voice that echoes like a thunderclap, Thantos ensures that no falsehood goes unnoticed and no injustice goes unpunished. His unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth inspires mortals to seek justice and uphold moral virtue, for they know that under his watchful gaze, deceit and corruption will crumble, and the light of truth will prevail.

Astraea- the Verdant Enchantress

Astraea, the radiant goddess of nature, effortlessly embodies the untamed beauty of the wild. With her flowing robes mirroring the vibrant hues of changing seasons and a crown adorned with blooming flowers, she exudes an ethereal grace. Her serene smile reveals a profound wisdom and a compassionate heart, ever ready to offer solace and guidance to those who seek her. Astraea's gentle presence invokes a sense of harmony and respect for the delicate balance of the natural world, as she oversees the perpetual cycle of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth. She holds sway over vast landscapes, from verdant forests to windswept meadows, reminding all of the intricate interconnectedness of life and the power of nature's eternal dance.

Maelis - The Veiled Sorcerer

Maelis, the masterful Weaver of Illusions, is a deity who holds sway over subterfuge, and the intricate dance of deception. With an air of elegance and grace, Maelis appears as a figure draped in shimmering robes, adorned with intricate patterns that seem to shift and change, mirroring the ever-evolving nature of illusion. Their eyes gleam with an enchanting glint, capable of captivating even the most discerning minds. Maelis possesses an uncanny ability to manipulate perception and create intricate webs of illusion, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

Vertas - The Archon of Knowledge and Wisdom

Vertas, the Archon of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Artifice, exudes an aura of profound intellect and creativity. Clad in robes of indigo, symbolizing the depths of knowledge, they inspire and guide artificers in their craft. With eyes that shine with piercing insight, Vertas imparts the secrets of ancient craftsmanship and the intricacies of arcane engineering. They possess an understanding of the delicate balance between magic and technology, nurturing the ingenuity and innovative spirit of artificers who seek to create wondrous inventions. Vertas, the patron of artificers, unlocks the mysteries of ancient techniques and empowers their followers to push the boundaries of what is possible through their mastery of the melding of science and magic.

Xeros - The Lord of Shadows

Xeros, the mysterious deity of darkness, casts an eerie presence with his tall, shadowy figure enveloped in flowing black robes. Whispers of his voice, barely audible, carry an air of hidden knowledge and unspoken truths. Veiled in an aura of enigma, Xeros is both alluring and unsettling, his eyes said to glow faintly in the dark. He holds dominion over the depths of night, shrouded in secrets and the mysteries of the subconscious. With a calm and collected demeanour, Xeros wields power over the unseen and the unknown, drawing followers who seek hidden wisdom and who practice the art of shadows to navigate the realms beyond light's reach.


Morvus - The Eternal Gate Keeper

Morvus, the enigmatic deity, holds the solemn title of the Eternal Gatekeeper, ruling over the domain of death and the afterlife. With a somber presence, Morvus stands as the guide and guardian of souls, overseeing their passage from the mortal realm to the realm beyond. He embodies the cycle of life and death, offering solace and guidance to both the living and the departed.

Articles under Old Gods of Eroedon