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Winning Hearts and Minds Through Teeth and Hides

Plot: The party has successfully summoned Gozreh and he tells the party that the dragons are assualting the world all at once, spreading the gods and their champions thin. Gozreh tells the party that the Kobolds are being used by the dragons to seek the astral keys, divine artifacts hidden throughout the world that could be used to free Aspu and Dahak. If they were freed, it would spell doom for the mortal races and they would become slaves to the dragons or completely destroyed by them. The Kobolds in this area are being led by Krystara the White Queen. In order to defeat Krystara, the party will need to obtain an artifact known as Storm's Edge, a legendary weapon that was crafted by Gozreh himself. Gozreh tells the party to seek out Tua'fiki, a goblin cleric of Gozreh that will guide them to the weapon, noting that claiming the weapon will require immense skill and preperation. The party heads to the Goblin village, where they meet Tua'fiki. She was aware of their coming, but says she will need to judge the party's intentions by having them help the village by gathering enough monster parts from local wildlife to craft some new armor for the tribe. Tua'fiki warns the party to be mindful of the Bapti Crater and the dangerous worm that lies in the crater   Objectives: The party must gather 200 GP worth of monster parts from the local wildlife, or they can head to the crater to expedite the process   Dialogue: Tua'fiki: "Welcome champions, I am Tuafiki. I will be your guide to the Aartii Caverns. However, I have some tasks to attend to before we can depart. In the meantime, I will need your assistance in gathering materials for the tribe. See if you can find some local wildlife to supplement our stores." "And whatever you do, stay clear of the crater. While it is littered with bones, there is good reason for that and certain doom awaits those who go there seeking an easy days work"   Goz'reh: "Brave adventurers, I come to you with a warning. The dragons have set their sights on the astral keys, relics of power that they seek to use to free their gods from their ancient prison. "The keys are guarded by powerful magics, but they are not completely hidden. With enough time, the Dragons will locate them. They must not fall into the hands of the dragons, for if they succeed in freeing their gods, the balance of the world will be shattered, and chaos will reign.   "I ask of you, brave adventurers, to journey forth and protect the keys from the clutches of the dragons. To do this, you will need powerful artifacts to assist you in dealing with the Dragons. The trials that guard these artifacts are not for the faint of heart, and you will face many dangers along the way. But if you are successful, you will earn the gratitude of the gods and the eternal respect of the people of this world.   "Do not delay, for time is of the essence. The dragons grow bold, and their agents are already scouring the land in search of the keys. You must act quickly, and with determination, if you hope to succeed. Seek out one of my most devoted clerics, Tua'fiki, in the highlands to the northwest. She will guide you to the first artifact. May the winds guide you."   Timeline: The goblin camp lies a day and a half's journey from the Godstones. Gathering the materials will take a full day of hunting, but scouring the crater will take less time if the party wishes to pursue the "Worm Bait!" quest. The crater is only a few hours away.   Consequences: When the party is successful, the goblins will become trusted allies and Tua'fiki will take the party on to the caverns. The party could force Tua'fiki to take them immediately, but they will be cursed by Gozreh and Tua'fiki will purposefully lead them off course into Gnoll Country, as well as attempting to sneak off in the middle of the night, leaving the party guideless.
Tua'fiki Stormtender
Perception +11, Darkvision   Languages Common, Goblin   Skills Athletics +10, Diplomacy +8, Intimidation +8, Religion +10   Str +4, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +2   Items Trident, Sling   AC 18; Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +14   HP 48   Doctrine Cloistered   Divine Font Heal   Domain Elemental   Speed 25 ft   Melee/Ranged Trident +9 ( P), Damage 2d8+4 piercing   Divine Prepared Spells DC 22, attack +14   2nd Inner Radiance Torrent, Resist Energy, Sound Burst, Heal   1st Concordant Choir, Protection, Purifying Icicle, Heal   Cantrips Chill Touch, Daze, Divine Lance, Guidance, Haunting Hymn   Cleric Domain Spells DC 22, 1 Focus Point; Lightning Ray   Empowered Font: Healing Font The Cleric’s positive energy is even more vibrant and restorative. When they cast heal, the Cleric rolls d10s instead of d8s.

Articles under Winning Hearts and Minds Through Teeth and Hides


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