Entertainment District

The Entertainment District is one of the smaller districts and has relatively little influence politically. They are content not to cause waves for other districts, partly because the majority of their business takes place in these other districts. They will go out of their way to keep the peace and will frequently skip voting on matters that they feel do not directly relate to them. The only district that they struggle to get along with is the Temple District , which they frequently accuse of trying to push their own beliefs and morals onto the rest of the city.

Industry & Trade

There are many theaters, brothels, and other forms of entertainment available within the Entertainment District, but this is hardly the only place to go for this. They have a thriving market in almost every district, from contracts with taverns to provide live entertainment nightly to singers attending privet parties. If you want to see something, and have the coin, you can probably find it here. They also have lessons available for anyone seeking to improve their singing, dancing, or any other talent.

Articles under Entertainment District