Ervelt Magic Academy Magic Items and Spell Casting Services

This branch of the Ervelt Magic Academy offers magic items that have been crafter by students or alumni of the academy and the store is entirely staffed by alumni. A large amount of what they sell would be considered mundane magical items or domestic magical items, different items designed for use in the home that simply make things run a little smoother. This would include prestidigitation infused laundry soap that can remove even the toughest stains, or a magic teapot that keeps the water at just the right temperature for tea no mater how long you leave it in there. A more interesting selection of magic items is available upon request, but they usually need to be commissioned. Particular items also require the person to purchase the item and they they place the enchantment on that item, such as rings or weapons.   They also sell scrolls to those who can prove their ability to use them, and offer spell casting services for those who cannot. These may require an appointment depending on the spell, spell level, and casting time of a particular spell.   Check out Common Magic Items for Sale for useless but fun homebrew items.