Ervelt Magic Academy

The Ervelt Magic Academy an organization with different stores and locations located all over the Ervelt Region, but their main school is located in the City of Ansbridge.   The school seeks out people who have magical aptitude, screening people between 10 to 15 years old to determine what, if any, magical abilities they may have. Those who are determined to have magical aptitude are given the opportunity to study in the academy up to the age of 25. Few students are able to pay for the schooling, even those with wealthy families are typically only able to pay for a portion of it, but they offer a tuition assistance program where the students craft magical items for Ervelt Magic Academy Magic Items and Spell Casting Services or potions for Ervelt Magic Academy Alchemist and Potion Shop. They may also spend time working in the shop.    In order to receive an education, the students must also sign a contract with the school, although the exact rules for the contract are not made public. The quick rundown of the contract is that they cannot teach magic to others without their approval, standards for pricing of spell casting and enchanting services, and limitations on sharing spells with others. Going against the contract can lead to reactions as small as a fine up to confiscation of spell book and spell materials. They can get blacklisted from being able to buy components or spells. while there are people who argue against the contracts, such as Shaxiros, the academy insists that the contracts are important to maintain safety and prevent the abuse of magic.
Education, Magic
Alternative Names

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