
Chris's Character   Kellen is an Elf from a nomadic clan who decided to leave his clan to move to the big city with the hopes of finding his place in the world. He moved to City of Ansbridge with his two best friends from childhood, Arram and Dash. The three of them initially had difficulty finding someone who was willing to rent to them until Vanryell had a conversation with the owners of Crows Nest.   It was difficult for Kellen's family to accept him leaving, although they did not do anything to stop him. His older brother Wrenin Gavrinus tried to convince him to stay, leading to an argument between them that was never officially settled. His younger sister, Larrelyn Gavrinus initially refused to talk to Kellen for 3 days, but has since said that she wants to hear everything about the city on his first trip home. If he doesn't visit her, she'll come visit him.


Hobbies & Pets

Pip- a baby pseudodragon that befriended Kell and is now his pet. Although Pip is small, he believes that he is a large and terrifying dragon instead of recognizing just how small and cuddly he is. Pip is friendly as long as you show respect for the terrifying beast that he is, disrespect that and he will nip! He could potentially sting too, but he prefers to nip. Overall, the only thing that actually needs to be scared of him is belts. He has developed a taste for chewing on Dash's belt, which wouldn't be an issue if Dash took better care of his things. Then again, Dash swears he has been putting it away, but somehow it always ends up back in Pip's mouth.