
Vanryell Adran

Vanryell is a half elf who grew up with two human parents. His mother, Enota, a servant in the Merchant District had fallen in love with Ascal Shafiel, an Elf from the Fishing District and they were soon married. Before long the couple were expecting their first child together. Before Vanryell's birth, Ascal was killed at sea. Ascal's best friend, Lefwin Adran, married Enota and raised Vanryell as if he were his own. His parents never tried to hide the truth from him, they were always very open in talking about Ascal and the various features that Van had gotten from him. Growing up, Van never saw any conflict with calling both men his father and he considers himself very lucky to have had both of them.   Vanryell grew up very poor, the family sometimes relied on clerics for their food for the day. They did not have much, but his mother would put on a big show of being excited about every little thing they had. Van would often do odd jobs for people as he was growing up. He weeded flower beds, took out the trash, and helped people carry their bags after a day at the market. It was only later that he realized many of these people did not actually need the help that they were paying him for. He understands how even small gestures can have big impacts, like a child being paid for a chore rather than being given money out of pity, and now strives to pay back the community that gave him so much.    He had never put much thought into what he wanted to do as an adult, only that he wanted to help people. His mother insisted on teaching him all of the manners required to become a servant, saying that there was much more money in that than in net making. After several unsuccessful applications, he was contacted about a position in the Savaris Family. One of the other families that he had interviewed with had suggested that he may be what they were looking for. He was interviewed and offered the job. He worked there for 3 years, becoming good friends with Tylen Savaris in the process. Tylen was the one who first suggested that Van go into politics, pointing out all of the good that he could do for the people in the Fishing District. He was skeptical at first, especially once the Savaris Family made it clear that they would not support him. He eventually accepted Tylen's offer of support, both financially and politically, returning to the Fishing District to pay back all of the generosity that the district had given him.   Vanrell is now the youngest Councilor to ever be elected in Ansbridge. He ran on a campaign of restoring the Fishing District to its former glory, to undo all of the damage done by the previous councilor.

Personality Characteristics


Vanryell wants to right all of the worlds wrongs. He knows that he can't fix everything, but he wants to leave the world at least a little better than how he found it.
Lawful to neutral good, but if he doesn't agree with a law he will try to change it.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
2046 29 Years old
Current Residence