City of Ansbridge

Ansbridge is one of the oldest cities in the Ervelt and is considered to be one of the most desirable locations in the Ervelt. It is situated on a deep, sheltered bay that protects it from many of the storms that the other cities face and has the most direct roads to the other side of the isthmus. Because of this highly desirable location, it was hit the hardest in the many wars that fought for control of the region. This has led to most of the history from before the Treaty of Ervelt being lost.   It is made up of nine districts. The Craftsmen District , the Entertainment District , the Fishing District , the Political District , the Shipping District , the Temple District , the Tradesmen District , and the Travelers Market


Like all cities in the Ervelt, there are no restrictions on what races may come to Ansbridge, which has led to a mixing of cultures as well as some tension. Because it is a port town, there are always new people coming in and other people leaving. Overall, it is one of the wealthier cities in the area.


Ansbridge is officially ruled by The Council of Ansbridge, which is made up of representatives from the different districts. When making rules within the city, each of the council members is treated equally. However, there is also The Voice of Ansbridge which deals with all outside forces. The voice meets with any foreign leaders, makes deals and signs treaties for Ansbridge. Unofficially, The Voice has gained a large amount of sway over the dealings within the city as well.


Ansbridge is defended by large stone walls surrounding the city. The stone walls are topped by guard towers, archers nests, and various weaponry. Inner walls make attacking the city more difficult as well. However, because the city is protected by the Treaty of Ervelt , many of the defenses are poorly maintained or aimed at preventing beasts from attacking rather than armies of men.
Alternative Name(s)
The Jewel of the Ervelt
Large city
Included Locations
Owning Organization