Lorcier Vempod

Lorcier Vempod is a yellow/orange Dragonborn who is the leader of The Unseen Hands. He was previously a member of the Red Jack Nomads, but after Red Jack was killed he set out to form his own organization using what he learned from his time in the gang. He is the most prosperous of the former gang members, and one of the few higher ranking members who has never seen the inside of a jail cell. He makes no attempt to hide this previous connection, he is confident that nothing could be done to convict him of any of the crimes he committed.   Lorcier is known to those around him as cold and heartless. He is flashy by nature, his bright coloring making it impossible to blend in to crowds. He responded to this by becoming impossible to ignore. He shows little remorse for the people around him and tends to lead by fear rather than respect. In a short time he has carved out a firm home in the underbelly of the city.