Orizana's School of Music

Orizana's School of Music was founded over three centuries ago by an elf named Lyeecia Orizana, one of the most notable musicians of her time. The school is famous for its graduates and now has campuses in most major cities in the Ervelt Region. While they do have lessons in dance or musical theater, their main focus is on singing and playing instruments.   The school is structured in a way that gets the students performing for people as soon as possible. The very beginning time is spent mostly in the classroom working on their skills, but they soon begin getting small roles in the performances of older students. They spend time with the older students teaching them and working with them in preparation for each performance, but their main goal is to get the students in front of a live audience as quickly as possible. They initially had students who would perform beautifully in class, but then get stage fright the moment there was an audience watching them. Since they included live performances from the start, this has significantly decreased.   The process of getting into the school is that they must schedule an audition. The auditions cost 3 gold and consist of a knowledge test relating to their areas of performance, followed by a performance for a panel of teachers and older students, and lastly an interview with the headmaster of the school. It is expected that students are already able to play their instrument or sing prior to starting at this school, but are interested in those who have already shown proficiency with music and lifting them from an average performer to a true bard.  

Students of note:

Allure-teifling bard, performs at The Ocean Tide Estra- Pyren's sister just started there
Founding Date
Educational, School/Academy