
Shaxiros, or Shax to most people, is a wizard who trained for years at Ervelt Magic Academy and involved in doing magical aptitude testing up until 10 years ago. There was something that happened which resulted in Shax being freed from all constraints and another wizard being striped of their title and exiled from the city. Shax is able to say that these were related, but cannot legally make any comments on what happened or what the other wizard had done.   Since leaving the academy, Shax has opened up a store in the Travelers Market selling magically enhanced candy and baked goods. He says that this has been something he has been dreaming of doing ever since he was a child. His parents ran a bakery and he grew up surrounded by every sort of treat imaginable. When he learned that he had magical aptitude he began thinking about ways that he could combine his two greatest passions. Unfortunately, once he began his magical education he learned that it would not be possible under the current restrictions from the academy. He would be required to give them a share of profits for spell casting services, which would inflate the prices of his baked goods to beyond what most people could afford.   Now that he is running his shop, he has also taken a very outspoken stand against the contracts that young wizards are forced to sign in order to obtain an education. He calls the rules in the contract barbaric, controlling, and needlessly restrictive. He accuses the academy of using these contracts to restrict the use of magic to keep the prices inflated to line their own pockets. While it is something that he is passionate about, he also knows that this is not something the average person wants to hear him rant about.