Temple of Dosyn

The temple of Dosyn was originally located in the Temple District, but was forcibly moved to the Entertainment District many years ago. People in charge of the Temple District make claims that Dosyn should be removed from the entire city. They call the temple "the free whore house, just bring your own drugs" and say that Dosyn promotes drug use and promiscuity.   Rather than directly debate these people, but insist that physical comfort and physical pleasure is just as important as physical health. They seek to provide a safe location where people can learn and experiment in peace. They provide sex education, and then counseling to people who are having any concerns with the physical or emotional aspects. They provide information about drug use, how to recognize and stop an overdose, and they will sit with people during experimentation. Their view is "we may be the temple to sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but make sure you put on a condom and only get your drugs from a reputable source."     People who do go to the house find it to be far different than many of the other temples. Because Dosyn is the god of physical pleasure and comfort, the temple reflects that in as many was as possible. The rooms are soft, warm, and cozy. There are some people who will go there just to spend time talking with someone in a comfortable environment.