The Grand Hall

The Grand Hall is a complex found in the center of the Political District . As the political hub of the city it is where all official council business occurs. While there may be meetings or discussions held in other locations, those meetings are not recognized and as such no votes may be passed or any agreements reached. Many times topics are discussed privately before they are brought to a public discussion. The public may attend any official meeting of the council, provided that they can get into the Political District in order to attend.   In addition to the large public meeting rooms, there are several areas that have more restricted access. Each of the councilors has their own dedicated office, meeting room, and suite available to them. They may use the office and meeting rooms to handle any business related to their district, although many of them prefer to handle the majority of their work at an office within their own district.


The Grand Hall is one of the oldest standing structures in Ansbridge. It is believed that it was originally a location for a royal family, although it is not clear at what point this was the case.
Government complex
Characters in Location