Political District

This is the innermost district and the most heavily protected. It has The Grand Hall at the center and is considered the heart of the city. The Political District is home to many of the guild halls, diplomats, and those who are interested in social climbing. It is considered to be far more cut-throat than other districts. If a family or organization wishes to buy a home inside the Political District they must receive approval from The Council of Ansbridge to do so. This district is fully walled off from the other districts and only those who have business within the district are permitted entry.   Current Councilor of the Political District is Ivaran Morlee


The Political District is surrounded by a tall wall, similar to the one that surrounds the city. Each of the three entryways have a heavy gate and are guarded. Because of the importance of many of the people within the district, this area has the most security.


There are few physical items available for sale within the Political District, but there are still a lot of things being bought and sold.
Location under

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