Session 14


The party go and fight a ghost to get a house!

Kellen has strange dreams leading up to the fight, which is something that the old elf had said started happening to him at the start of the haunting. He has the worst one the night before the full moon and wakes up to his psudodragon Pip growling at him.   The party meets up to fight the ghosts that are haunting the house. They meet up and once it gets dark the basement takes on a different feel. A portal to the Shadowfell begins to open. Some horrible creature comes through along with several ghasts. The party fights all of them, eventually severing the creature's tie to this plane and ending the portal.    The party learns more information about the portal and about the elf that lives there. His wife had a history of cheating on him. During one of her less-than-secret dates resulted in her getting bitten by a ghoul. The elf was scared to let anyone know what had happened to her, even after she died and became a ghoul, so he hid her in the basement. One day one of their children almost went in the basement and he knew what needed to be done. He hired a group of adventurers to do what he couldn't.     As for the portal, the group learned that such portals can happen when there is a large amount of darkness, both physical darkness and emotional darkness. The elf was so depressed that he led to a weakness between the material plane and the Shadowfell forming in the darkest recesses of his basement. This weakness was found by a creature who began trying to force their way through every full moon when the veil was weaker.

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