
  • 2075

    12 July

    13 July

    Session1, The start of Everything

    First session, party met each other, found a nameless dwarf floating in debri after a storm, tried to figure out who he is.

  • 2075

    13 July

    14 July

    Session 2

    Clearing the beach and getting the banner made (people getting less sure about Salvestro)

  • 2075

    15 July

    17 July

    Session 3, Into the Swamp

    The party traveled to a swamp, did NOT die, slept in a "green spot" and then returned home with onions for the inauguration party

  • 2075

    26 July

    Session 4, The Party

    The party finishes the last of their to-do list and then enjoys themselves at the celebration of Vanryell becoming the Councilor of the Fishing District

  • 2075

    27 July

    11 August

    Downtime after the party

    About a 2 week time skip during which Ford cannot be found

  • 2075

    12 August

    13 August

    Session 5, Deadly Toys

    Van asks the party to investigate some stranges goings on, children are hearing noises in their bedrooms at night and want help

  • 2075

    13 August

    14 August

    Session 6, Concluding the Unicorn Hunt

    The party concluded their business with Ilie's revenge plot, talked to rats, and looked into bucket thievery.

  • 2075

    15 August

    16 August

    Session 7

    The party investigates the death of a prominent dwarf in the Shipping District named Nordrak Warhorn and uncover a cleric trying to pass illegal drugs as medication.

  • 2075

    17 August

    19 August

    Sessions 8, 9

    The party has dinner with Hoag again, then splits up. Half the party takes a Crypt Thorn addicted Halfling to rehab, the other "scouts" the location for the ambush. Salvestro gets trapped in a room with a zombie, Kellen breaks a window, and Pyren alerts the guards. They decide to do training to work better as a team, but this gets derailed when the halfling turns up dead on the docks.

  • 2075

    18 August

    20 August

    Session 10

    The party investigates the dead halfing to find the connection to Slade's good mood, then work out together, then Kell leads the party in getting wood.

  • 2075

    20 August

    23 August

    Session 11, Kell's activities

    Wrenin Gavrinus informed Kellen that their sister, Larrelyn Gavrinus had gone missing and recruited his help to find her.

  • 2075

    20 August

    23 August

    Session 11

    The party was hired to assist the guards in rooting out corruption within the guards. There was a group of bandits that was successfully evading the guards, which lead them to believe that they are receiving information from someone within the guards.

  • 2075

    24 August

    26 August

    Session 12

    After completing the mission for the guards, Kellen tells the party that his younger sister, Larrelyn Gavrinus has been kidnapped. The group investigates and frees her.

  • 2075

    27 August

    28 August

    Session 13

    The party investigates the information gained from the previous session and Pyren gets an opportunity to become a home owner. The only catch is that the house is haunted and he is going to have to get rid of the ghost before he can do that.

  • 2075

    20 September

    21 September

    Session 14

    The party go and fight a ghost to get a house!

  • 2075

    22 September

    24 September

    Session 15

    Vanryell and Tylen ask the party to look into some difficulties that the Tradesmen District has been having so that he can gain support of the counselor there.

  • 2075

    25 September

    30 September

    Session 16/17

    The party travel on The Golden Road, staying at different inns. They reach the quarry where they fight a terrifying creature. They end up with evidence that there is a 3rd party who is pitting the two stone mason guilds against each other.