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Amber Plane


All the amber was drawn out of The Black Moor (aka Seekers Moor ) by magic mast by The Seekers. The amber went through the tower and created the Amber Plane.

When the Amber Plane formed, it filled the gaps left between the inner planes - the Shadowfell, Extraneous, The Dream Realm, the Garden of Forking Ways, and the Threshold - enclosed by the six elemental planes -The Plane of Air, The Plane of Fire, The Plane of Void, The Plane of Water, The Plane of Wood and The Plane of Earth - The Feywild Realm.

A different sensation - any magic of flight (carpet, boots, etc) being drawn away - stop working - except those who can naturally fly.

At the Amber Turret which was the Amber Mage's Tower in Seekers Moor - falling North-West into the Amber hole.

d8 = North is 1. Go clockwise as the number increases.

Everything is amber - bright and solid. At first it is like being in a bubble - there is an strange sinking feeling in your stomach yet your body is moving along and up - a flicker and tension runs through your form - a tunnel that wines around - it expands and spits you all out.

The Plane of Void gate swings opened; hanging mostly of the hinges - it use to open to The Dream Realm; but stayed open after the largest Void Elemental escaped - then the Amber seeped in the gap and created a new plane.

The door to The Dream Realm remains buckled in - now the gap is filled with the newly-created Plane of Amber. It is also connected to Extraneus, Garden of Forking Ways, and the Threshold. As well as each of the Elemental Planes.

Dimensional plane
Location under


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