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Baerra is located to the East of Birira Isthmus. It is a town within the Tuck region of Malnax.

This town has two ports, one on each side - the Tonne Port accesses The Whale Sea, while the Somme Dock accesses the Sombre Ocean. It has much dealings with pirates and raiders which influence the town in various ways.

Tonne Port Quarter

The Minstrel and Goblet:

Drinking Inn
A fanciful adventurer's inn, said to be built atop of an entombed sea creature.
Hordi's Masonry: A neglected stonemason's workshop, built around a shrine of Horgi Ostarson, Lord of Earth.

Eiglurson's Armaments

A single storey timber and brick building, the workshop of a male dwarf weaponsmith named Hafri Eiglurson. Once a month, one of his weapons mysteriously vanishes from the workshop and is used to murder someone in town. No-one has tracked the weapons back to him yet, but he's near to panic.

Thilda: Female Dwarves Scofflaw, Good. Thilda is pleasant in appearance, with copper hair and green eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Thilda has an animal companion, a ginger ferret named Danger.
Iggag Ailikrdotr: Female Dwarves Aristocrat, Neutral. Iggag is tall and thin, with cropped blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears fine raiment and jewelry. Iggag is easily distracted by magic.
Hida: Female Dwarf Ranger, Good. Hida has black hair and grey eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears studded leather and wields a warhammer. Hida refers to herself in the third person.
Saga: Female Dwarf Artist, Evil. Saga has red hair and green eyes. She wears tailored clothing and a silver holy symbol. Saga is wise but combative.

Somme Dock Ward

Biorni's Carvings:

A neglected woodcarver's workshop, said to be protected by Fey creatures.

The Wishing Well:

A deep shaft in the ground, surrounded by an iron fence. It is said that there exists one particular coin in town, and that whoever casts it into the well will be granted their wish.
A broken arch of quartz, placed to mark the Battle of the Vale of Omens.

Hagbi Farieson: Male Dwarves Cleric, Evil. Hagbi has brown hair and soft green eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a quarterstaff. Hagbi has an animal companion, a hawk named Almunng.
Hilda: Female Human Wizard, Good. Hilda has braided white hair and dark blue eyes. She wears modest garments and wields a quarterstaff and sling. Hilda is cautious and flirtatious.
Hergi Ararrson: Male Dwarves Thief, Evil. Hergi has silver hair and soft amber eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a dagger and darts. Hergi has a black snake named Thori.
Thilda: Female Human Priest, Good. Thilda has long blonde hair and light brown eyes. She wears fine clothing and a sling of vials and Potions. Thilda is virtuous and fearless.
Dilha: Female Dwarves Druid, Neutral. Hilda has tangled grey hair and dark brown eyes, and small ears. She wears leather armor and wields a hammer and sling. Hilda is sharp-tongued and irreverent.

Bearra Market

The Mermaid's Folly
Drinking Tavern
Aslaunng: Female Dwarves Entertainer, Evil. Aslaunng has a long face, with matted brown hair and narrow grey eyes. She wears well-made clothing and a copper amulet. Aslaunng was once the royal wizard, but the king's stinking son fired him.
Rida Havidotr: Female Dwarves Slaver, Evil. Rida has braided copper hair and large hazel eyes. She wears plain clothing and a wooden holy symbol. Rida is rumored to lead a cult of a monstrous goddess.
Orgeg: Female Dwarves Wineseller, Neutral. Orgeg is short and heavyset, with curly brown hair and blue eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and a wooden holy symbol. Orgeg is known for her short temper and sharp tongue.
Sinna Biornidotr: Female Dwarves Peddler, Evil. Sinna has silver hair and bright brown eyes, and a beaked nose. She wears simple clothing and several pouches hang from her belt. Sinna sometimes has a magical trinket to sell.


Baerra is governed by two mayors - a female of the Dwarves named Athilde, and a blue Dragonborn named Danbala.

Approximately 3940
Inhabitant Demonym
mix of Elves, Dwarves, Dragonborn, Genasi and Gnomes
Location under


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