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Court of the Dawn

The Feywild Realm is home to three Courts. The Court of The Dawn is considered to be the lighter and kinder Fey - not that this is necessary true at all times.
The sky over the Court of the Dawn is cobalt and tinged by the rose remnants of sunrise long into the day, the edges of soft clouds gild with golden light. The air has lingering dewy freshness in the air. It is a lush, eternal countryside rich with the weight of warm spring morning.

The Crystal of Light
In the centre of Fisan Bleam, the main settlement of the Court of the Dawn, is the Crystal of Light - it is a massive honey-coloured crystal droplet hanging in mid air (12 feet off the ground).
Fisan Bleam
like) is lies to the East near the coast of The Merc Sea. In an area of grassland known as the Greenmeadow lay north of the city, across a gentle stream.
Most buildings in Fisan Bleam are constructed magically, using materials from the ground to "grow" them. Stone buildings are usually crafted from a single piece of rock. The roofs are typically made from crystal or gems, causing them to glitter in constant dawn light.

Notable buildings included the Hall of the Ancients, the Fountain of Stars, the Temple of the Seldarine, the Shrine of the Black Sword, and the Moonstone Palace. Taverns included The Green Sword and Throleatha's Public House.


Leuthilspar's deep sheltered harbor was filled by the River Ardulith. It was guarded by the leviathan Hamnuatha. A chain could be raised across its entrance to hinder the approach of hostile vessels. Ships docked at piers of wood or stone that were magically grown upward from the sea bed. Most of the fleet was docked at Siiluth, but there were usually a number of elven ships docked here.


Many of the roads and streets of Leuthilspar were paved with crystal or gems, giving them glittering quality similar to the roofs. The main route through the city was the Diamond Road, a shining smooth surface made from crystal that resembled diamonds.

The Fey of the Court of the Dawn tend to dress the colours of the landscape, of velvet greens and rich browns, while the flower Fey paint the fields with millions of bright colours.

The Fey of the Court of the Dawn can be just as mischievous as their counterparts. A person may find themself lost in slumber and over - sleeping their commitments, or lost in the woods whilst admiring its beauty.

Queen Titania (Tiandra) becomes the Fey Queen - making her the highest ranking member of the Court of the Dawn.
Oberon, King of the Summer Lands
Puck, Robin Goodfellow, Prince of Fools
Erlking, King of the Wylde Fey
Leanan Aos Si, Marquess of Inspiration
The Pan, Petra Lyrillia, Lady of the Belles
The Fetch, Baron of Silence
Damh, son of Titania and Oberon - patron of satyrs, korreds, and atomies.
Eachthighern, lord of unicorns and pegasi.
Sqeulaiche, the Court Jester and patron of leprechauns.
Verenestra, daughter of Titania - patroness of dryads, nymphs, and sylphs.

Emmantiensien, the patron god of treants.
Nathair Sgiathach, the mischief-loving god the Faerie Dragons and Pseudodragons.
Skerrit, god of the centaurs.

Court, Royal
Related Species

Associated Elemental Planes:
* The Plane of Earth
* The Plane of Fire


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