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The Plane of Earth

Goddess = Nokomis

NOTE: The Wild Mother's adopted parent.

Language: Terran

Associated gems: Rutile Quartz; Tiger's Eye; Agate (earthy colours Malachite; Aventurine; Black Tourmaline; and Jade.

Ancient = look like two mountains with two full moons above.
Triangle = triangle with point down and a horizontal line a third of the way up from the tip.

EARTH represents the solid ground creatures walk on. Further more, some consider it the physical and tactual aspects of life.

The Elemental Plane of Earth is a solid place made of rock, soil, and stone. The unwary and unprepared traveler may find himself entombed within this vast solidity of material and have his life crushed into nothingness - his powdered remains a warning to any foolish enough to follow.

Despite its solid, unyielding nature, the Elemental Plane of Earth is varied in its consistency - ranging from relatively soft soil to veins of heavier and more valuable metal. Occasionally, sinkholes appear - like the earth vanishes into a circular pit big enough to swallow a house. Striations of granite, volcanic rock, and marble interweave with brittle crystal and soft, crumbling chalks and sand-stones. Thin veins of gemstones, rough and huge, can be found within the plane, and these unpolished jewels often lead the greedy to this plane in the hopes of picking them up with minimal effort. Such prospectors often meet their match in the natives of the Elemental Plane of Earth, who feel extremely attached (sometimes literally) to parts of their home.

The Elemental Plane of Earth is a place hostile to life from the Material Plane, but unlike The Plane of Fire, it is not actively hostile. Rather, it is uncaring, unconcerned about the motes of life that move through it and around it. It is solid stone, as patient as the earth itself. And it has all the time in the universe.


* For the traveler, the greatest danger on the Elemental Plane of Earth is being accidentally caught and suffocated within solid earth. Travelers who manifest in the caverns and other “clear areas” of the plane are safe from that danger (unless a cave-in occurs), but a traveler who suddenly manifests randomly on the plane runs the risk of suffocation and speedy burial.

* For those trapped on a long-term basis, starvation and dehydration become threats. The elemental life forms are part of the plane itself and thus inedible.

*The outsider natives of the Elemental Plane of Earth that require normal sustenance often have their own permanent communities to draw upon. Except in such areas, the ever-grinding motion of the plane's soils prevents anything from taking root long enough to blossom—even if it had enough light to do so.

* most plants are root vegetables and the like.

Enhanced magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create earth or stone (including spells of the Earth domain) are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell metamagic feats had been used on them, but the spells don’t require higher-level slots).
Impeded magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create Air (including spells of the Air domain and spells that summon Air Elementals or outsiders with the Air sub-type) are impeded.


* Much of life on the Elemental Plane of Earth is unknown to travelers from the Material Plane, due at least in part to the nature of this Inner Plane. Most visitors spend time only in the caverns and runnels that snake through the solid world of the plane, so creatures that live deep in the heart of the plane are unknown.
* Earth Elementals are sentient parts of the plane itself. They move effortlessly through the mix of rock and soil that makes up the Elemental Plane of Earth. Some creatures are analogous to those of the Material Plane, while others reflect the raw power of their elemental form.
* Stonefolk or Earthsoul Folk (Earth Genasi) - might have smooth metallic flesh, dull iron skin spotted with rust, a pebbled and rough hide, or even a coating of tiny embedded crystals. The most interesting have fissures in their flesh, from which faint light shines, and are made of various stone materials found within the Plane of Earth and also on Esau.

* The Elemental Plane of Earth is also home to creatures with a natural affinity toward earth and stone, denizens who are comfortable in tunnels of their own carving.

* Dwarves
* Dragons
* stone Giants
* Xorn
* Burlette
* Green Hags (Fey) = The most duplicitous and hateful Hags, are connected to The Plane of Earth. Green Hags use illusions and temptation to lead others to destruction and tragedy. The forest femme fatales seek to poison that which is pure and drag down the civilized world into barbarism.
* occasional gargoyle (though they rarely get to stretch their wings and cannot fly very far on this plane). Such creatures need open spaces to survive, so they often ally themselves with more powerful native races.

* The native tongue of the Elemental Plane of Earth is Terran, a deep rumbling tongue that vibrates through the listener like a tremor. Those natives who deal with visitors may speak additional languages, though most feel no need to do so.

* In Mud, within the Feywild Expanse of Kutloc rests the Giant Titan named Nova - a vortex has formed in the space between her slightly raised right knee and the muddy ground * Vortices to the Plane of Earth were nearly always found in the heart of mountain ranges, particularly young ones.
* Temporary gates could be created by the plane shift spell, or the abilities of high level druids.
* The spell Astral Projection could be used to reach the Plane of Earthm - via a moss granite colour pool.
* The gate and plane shift spells could be used to open a temporary portal to this plane, but could be extremely dangerous unless the destination was previously scouted. To reach the Plane of Earth by means of a plane shift spell required a zinc fork tuned to the note of A



Gravity = Heavy Gravity. The penalties of the heavy gravity trait apply to all creatures, native and visitor, on the plane
Time = Normal
Size = Infinite]
Speacial Traits = Earth Dominant
Enhanced Earth = All abilities with the Earth descriptor are immediately enhanced as if the character had used extra effort to surge. A character can still use extra effort, effectively doubling the bonus.
Impeded Air = All abilities with the Air descriptor require a DC15 Concentration check or do not function as if Nullified. A character can use extra effort to automatically pass this check.


Nokomis "Grandmother Earth"
It all started when Nokomis was a young and very beautiful Goddess. Full of high spirits, she liked to swing from heavenly heights on a vine until one day jealous rivals cut through it. She made a big splash when she plummeted into the primordial ocean. There was no way back. So she floated with the wind and waves, which went out of their way to waft her into pregnancy. This caused her to give birth to just about everything and it all became a little crowded. 
As she floated she became more bloated, supporting lots of life, and she grew larger and larger until one day she was as big and round as the Earth. Because that is exactly what she had become. The grandmother of all Earth Mothers. Depicted as a beautiful woman with skin made of soil with animals, flowers and fruit on her hair made of long bronze grass plant, with ivory horns that point upwards. colours of nature striped like paint down her swollen belly. 

The Wildmother from the Feywild Melora, the Wildmother, also known as Mother Nature or Maiden of the Deep Woods
Title(s) = The Wildmother, Mother Nature, Maiden of the Deep Woods
Domains = Wilderness, Wild beasts, Growth, Natural beauty, Fresh water (Nature, Life, Tempest)
Physical Form = Beautiful red-haired woman clad in leaves

    Skoraeus Stonebones A titan worshiped as a god by the Stone Giants - Stonebones was the lover of The Wild Mother; father of Mielikki Symbol = Stalactite Portfolio = Earth, Art, Stone Domains = Knowledge   WILDMOTHER's DAUGHTERS Mielikki Eldath   THE LAND Appears as a huge old man with moss beard, dirt covered clothes made of massive leaves and stone skin. Large eyes filled with pools of tears. Blood stains over clothes and skin. Sad and fragile face.

Localized Phenomena

* burrowing creatures
* muffled sounds
* Vegepygmy * Genasi
* Elementals
* Pygmy Bulette * crushed
* tunnels
* warm
* deep
* endless mountains
* lava
* rocks
* stones * pepples
* dirt
* shingle
* worms

+ The Plane of Earth

Dimensional plane
Location under
Inhabiting Species

* Mold Earth
* Earth Tremor
* Earthbind
* Erupting Earth
* Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
* Meld into Stone
* Earthquake
* Move Earth
* Bones of the Earth
* Stoneskin
* Wall of Sand
* Wall of Stone
* Flesh to Stone
* Stone Shape
* Investiture of Stone


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