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The Plane of Fire

God = Kossuth
Goddess = Anyka Vatra

Language: Ignan
Associated Gems: Fire Agate; Peridot; Carnelian; Red Garnet; Fire Opal; Sunstone; Citrine; and Ruby.

Ancient = Large cresent type curve with medium curve, two moons between them, and small curves surrounding them.
Triangle = a empty triangle pointing upwards.

FIRE is considered to be the sun, flame and heat. Many also consider it to be about the passion, zeal and occasionally destructive drive of people on Esau.

The Plane of Fire, [also know as The Eternal Furnace; The Everlasting Flame; The Inferno] is not made completely of fire - merely predominantly so.
If a traveller is very cautious they can traverse along the narrow path which encircles much of this plane. Much of the plane contains scorched land covered in smouldering embers. What air there is, is a harsh storm of ash and cinder. Its seas and rivers are slow-moving lava - sources of
water are rare.

Three suns glow white hot during the day, and fades to red twilight at night, following a 24-hour cycle. By day, the black wastes solid enough to travel across on foot are as deadly as the hottest deserts on Esau. The ever-present flames of this plane their own light, and concept of darkness is almost unknown to many natives of this plane.
Elemental fire is pure flame that does not require air or fuel to burn and can take on a solid, liquid, or gaseous state, yet it will ignite and consume anything flammable and unprotected from fire.
Fire occurs naturally here, as if a living creature, and does not need air to burn. Fire spells are considerably more powerful here, although many of the plane's natives are naturally immune to fire.

The ground in many places is soft ash and debris - a thick layer. The layout of this soft ground slowly moves and shifts, making mapping impossible and long-term navigation difficult without a native guide. The constant heat creates mirages everywhere. Everything has 3 shadows.

The air gets thin quickly as one ascends upward, making flight difficult. It is often thick with toxic smoke, making breathing difficult and limiting long-distance vision. Wandering fog clouds of super-heated steam and sudden storms of hot ash are an ever-present risk.

Fire whirls appear frequently - A fire whirl or fire devil (sometimes referred to as a fire tornado), is a whirlwind induced by a fire and often (at least partially) composed of flame or ash.


* course hot and deadly.
* Rains of hot ash moved about like thunderstorms, threatening those on or near the ground with hot embers and blinding ash.
* Those in the air had to watch out for clouds of super-heated steam blowing around and condensing scalding water on exposed surfaces.
* The water quickly evaporated and the cycle began anew.


The cradle of Flames is a commune situated high atop a huge, intricate, obsidian spire. The commune is where the Fire Goddess Anyka Vatra lives with her fire children. They are well protected by Lava Elementals.


There are great ships with metal hulls called Firetreaders that sail the Burning Sea.


The City of Brass is made of basalt and obsidian; blackened stone cracked from the intense heat that comes off the sea of flames in intense waves. Ruled by the cruel Efreeti sultan, Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, the King of the Jinn.
All manner of unsavory creatures are attracted to the immense markets where magic, treasure, weapons, and even lives are traded in equal measures. It is said that nothing is illegal to sell in the city, so long as the Sultan is given his share. It is possible to travel to the City of Brass if you show due caution and are well prepared, The City of Brass is commonly accessed by trade caravans that are adept at crossing the Blistering Plains or the Burning Sea.


* The hamlet of Flame holds a vortex.
* Vortices within the Elemental Plane of Fire often took the form of a column of fire or a huge free-standing fireball.
* Elemental vortices could occur wherever a high concentration or nearly pure form of an element was found, and could be temporary or permanent.
* Vortices to the Plane of Fire could often be found in pools of molten lava or the upwelling of magma in active volcanoes.
* Temporary gates could be created by the plane shift spell or the abilities of high-level druids.
* The spell astral projection could be used to reach the Plane of Fire via a fire opal color pool.
* The gate and plane shift spells could be used to open a temporary portal to this plane. To reach the Plane of Fire by means of a plane shift spell required a copper fork tuned to the note of A.


The god and goddess are said to be siblings - never were they lovers.


Kossuth was symbolized by the holy symbol of a twining red flame and his portfolio covered elemental fire and purification through fire. He is the god of elemental fire.
NAMES = The Firelord; Lord of Flames; The Tyrant-King; Tyrant Among Fire
Alignment = Neutral
Channel divinity = Radiance of the dawn
Kossuth dwelled in the Crimson Pillar, a 10‑mile-wide (16‑kilometer) globe made of the primordial power of fire that hovered over the centre of the Sea of Fire within the Elemental Plane of Fire. It was said that the blue-white flames of the Pillar gave off a heat that made the rest of the plane seem chilly in comparison.

Title(s) = The Firelord - Lord of Flames - The Tyrant-King - Tyrant Among Fire
Alignment = Neutral
Symbol = Swirling Flame
Portfolio = Fire
Domains = Light

Anyka Vatra

She appears a beautiful female Tiefling wearing clothes of a belly-dancer the colour of fire. Anyka Vatra can change race at will. Her eyes are golden flicking and smile is sharp thin red lips. She has a deep rich voice. She also appeared as or a phoenix crowned with gold, rubies and sapphire. She is the goddess of elemental fire.
Her holy symbol of a twining red flame and her portfolio covered elemental fire and purification through fire.
She was said to see into the burning desire and hate within a person's heart.

Anyka Vatra lives with her five children in the Cradle of Flames, a commune situated high atop a huge, intricate, obsidian spire on the Plane of Fire.

Title(s) = The Pure Flame - Lady of Flames - The Burning Queen - Taiia's Daughter
Alignment = Neutral
Symbol = Flame Chain
Portfolio = Fire
Domains = Light

  Eldest daughter = Feronia

Localized Phenomena

Languages = Ignan;
Colour pools = Fire emerald;
Shape and size = Infinite;
Gravity = Normal [Formerly: Subjective directional];
Time = Normal [Formerly: Flowing (1 real day = 2 subjective days)];
Morphic trait = Alterable;
Elemental/energy traits = Fire-dominant;
Magic trait = Enhanced: fire-related; Impeded: water-related [Formerly: Normal with special class];

Fauna & Flora


The Plane of Fire is inhospitable to visitors who are not immune to the effects of heat and fire.
* Fire Genasi
* The Efreet = powerful fire genies, are at home in this plane of fire;
* The Azer = Dwarves of the element of fire;
* Salamanders = who raid azer outposts;
* Dragons = red, gold and bass;
* Mephits (steam, fire and magma
* Pyrohydras;
* Thoqqua;
* Rasts;

Regular visitors include devils and Ember Hags, who are immune to fire, and often conduct trade in information, goods and prisoners.
The Mercane likewise visit here regularly, often to trade - though their lack of natural fire tolerance sees few taking up permanent residence.
Ember Hag (Fey) = These Hags with boils, burns and scars all over their bodies, are connected to The Plane of Fire. Ember Hags like to cook people, especially fattened children, to eat them. They gain youth from eating children, constitution from eating teenagers, and strength or intelligence from eating young adults.

Natural Resources

* firey creatures
* smoldering
* Elementals
* Genasi
* burnt
* lava
* extreme heat
* crackling
* flames
* melting
* sweat
* heat rash

+ The Plane of Fire

the three elements a fire needs to ignite: heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent (usually oxygen).

Dimensional plane
Location under

* Control Flames
* Produce Flame
* Burning Hands
* Fire Bolt
* Fireball
* Continual Flame
* Delayed Blast Fireball
* Fire Storm
* Flame Arrows
* Flame Strike
* Create Bonfire
* Flame Blade
* Wall of Fire
* Fire Sheild
* Immolation


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