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Flutterby Medical Hospital

Located in Devai, on the Northern Isle.

This Medical Hospital - House of Healing - stands on the South side of Devai, with it's very own well to draw water from - downstream from the rest of the town.

In addition, to being the headquarters of a Guild of Apothecaries & Physicians, this building acts as an emergency hospital and healing centre. It acts as a vendor of Potions and medicine.

The Hospital is made of a pale grey stone blocks, and looks dull and plain from the outside. It has thick black bars on the windows, so they can be opened for fresh air without risk of thieves stealing the medicines and other supplies. Also stops patients leaving isolation rooms, without returning to full health.

On each side of the heavy double doors, grows four Aloe Vera plants on one side and lavender bushes on the other.

Inside the reception - two people on each shift:-
Doris (Human female - knits) and Shellis (male Half-Elf - organises files or Jetti (Halfling male - whittles woodern animals) and Norvat (Goliath female - tends to garden wall
NIGHT: Sweets (Tabaxi female - practices slow martial arts) and Zenbrant (Wood Elf male - charcoal drawings or Dendora (Half-Elf female - works on crosswords set by head doctor) and Furon (Tiefling male - learning to dance with a nurse Maudelette (Tiefling female).

The main wall is a greenery wall that displays various herbs and other health care plants. Three sets of double doors come off the large area:- 
Isolation Ward [Life Domain - Platinum dragon] run by Dr Beech (Wood Genasi , non-binary) who insists on an unusual practice of full cover of all staff in any isolation room;
Lifespan Ward [The Raven Queen - at beginning and end of life] where non-contagious dying elderly help look after the newborn, run by Dr Soon Fanone (Aasimar non-binary) who encourages tight swaddling of newborn like a cocoon;  
General Care [Berronar Truesilver - Dwarvian The Revered Mother Mother of Safety] run by a young genius Dr Nesbitt Wallguard (Dwarf androgynous [male & female] of 27 years).

Throughout the hospital is columns of glass surrounding greenery and each contains a different species of butterfly or moth.


It is Dr Wallguard's research and financial backers that has open this hospital two years ago. To save costs on the outside they reused stone from the old pulled-down bank.
Dr Wallguard researched moths, moss and butterflies - matching various plants for medicinal health and healing.

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* SECRET: uses the grinded bones of penguins in most medicines - along with certain species of moth or butterfly.

CLEANER = Mavilla Dornmas (Gnome female - agile and sings as works, has lovely singing voice). She has a trolley she pushes around that includes a four step ladder to reach the spiderwebs on ceilings. She delights most patients with her songs and occasional dancing.

Purpose / Function

Built to study and cure natural conditions, diseases and infections (like Quoroplatea, Blackly, Bubonic Plague, Web Throat ), as well as some magical conditions.

Research on the ailment Dream Tears is on-going. No found non-magical cure, as yet.

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