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Pixies are mischievous Fey found in Esau and The Feywild Realm, that enjoy playing pranks on people. Such pranks include leading travelers astray and tricking coin carriers into parting with their wealth.

Pixies are sometimes mistaken with the sprites - although are actually quite different. While both tiny Fey creatures, sprites are firm warriors, protectors, and judges of the forest who even can sense a creature’s current emotional state and alignment. They don’t indulge in frivolous fun like pixies – and unlike pixies, they may also make for great allies in times of trouble!

Being barely a foot tall, pixies resemble diminutive Elves with gossamer wings like those of dragonflies or butterflies, brightly coloured - colour depends on clan.

Their skin, hair, and eyes come in shades of natural colors including the greens of the leaves and grass or the browns and bronzes of the dirt and trees and even spans into the reds and yellows of autumn.

Pixie Dust
When visible, a shower of sparkling dust follows in their wake like the glittering trail of a shooting star. A mere sprinkle of pixie dust is said to be able to grant the power of flight, confuse a creature hopelessly, or send foes into a magical slumber. Only pixies can use their dust to its full potential, but these Fey are constantly sought out by mages and monsters seeking to study or master their power.


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ambergrass, Beetlesong, Cedarflower, Feathercloud, Frostwing, Goldspring, Honeystar, Jellybeam, Moondrop, Oakwind, Silverbell, Snowmist, Sugardust, Sundew, Willowkiss

Alven, Amnon, Ander, Cedric, Flint, Gimble, Ivellios, Lindal, Mival, Patrin, Romero, Skamos, Soveliss, Warryn, Wellby

Amber, Arveene, Bai, Criella, Diesa, Ellywick, Farideh, Jasmal, Kithri, Meriele, Minna, Xanaphia, Yua


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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