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Seabay is a lovely coastal town on the North coast of the Agwain region - looks out over The Whale Sea.

A golden sand beach - long fishing wharf and Docks - small sail boats - Hunting & Fishing - lighthouse


Keeper = Kennett Whiskerchin - Halfling male
daughter = Sammi - 10 years old

Cecily's Masonry

The workshop of a female Halfling stonemason named Cecily Vulture - who seems to know every dungeon and location of man-made tomes within twenty leagues of town

Boha's Books

Book Seller
OWNER = Boha is a male Human Scholar, Good. Boha has dark brown hair and large hazel brown eyes. He wears tailored clothing and numerous fancy rings. Boha seeks to prove himself to his peers. Flamboyant nature and prefers company/relationship with males.

The Fishhead

A two-storey timber and brick building, with a black tile roof. Accommodation consist of wooden cots near the hearth. Located on Seaview Street, beside the small town hall. It stands across from a war monument.
Innkeeper is a thin male Halfling named Karbur Billowwind.
Buckwheat Porridge, Mug of Mead (4 cp)
Boiled Eggs and Dried Watercress, Tankard of Perry (8 cp)
Barley Porridge, Mug of Beer (5 cp)
Rye Biscuits and Bitter Cheese, Mug of Beer (5 cp)
Boiled Fish and Peas, Tankard of Mead (8 cp)
Fire Roasted Shark and Carrots, Tankard of Ale (1 sp)


Seabay is governed by a mayor, a female Human named Veyta Heawood.

approximately 570 people
Inhabitant Demonym
mainly Halflings and Humans - with some Gnomes and Water Genasi
Location under


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