BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Builders are the largest and most organized group trying to rebuild Caelester after the devestating earthquake eight years ago. At their core are a group of monks called the Maintainers, a sect within the city's grand Abbey dedicated to maintaining the temple complex's buildings, artworks, and gardens. At first they focused on restoring the Abbey itself, but after ensuring all was structurally sound, they began working with people in the wider city, distibuting food to a network of neighbourhood Food Courts and helping people build new homes.


The Builders consider themselves politically neutral regarding the Steward and the Iron Guard - the monks rarely express approval of their leadership, but direct their efforts toward rebuilding the city rather than engaging directly with this particular issue. Thus far, they've managed to maintain a balance - not expressing so much support of Lord Baxter that he demands they work according to his whims in order to demonstrate their loyalty, but also carefully avoiding his ire, which might lead to him ordering the group disbanded. This balance is probably helped greatly by the perception that they are still primarily a religious order (though by now the original monks are only a small fraction of the people involved) - while Baxter is not a particularly religious man, he's well aware that it would be unwise to antagonize those who are devoted to the gods, lest the gods themselves take umbrage.  

Notes for Role Playing

While the Builders themselves are primarily occupied with tasks too mundane to involve a party of adventurers, they will likely need to call upon the party to help with certain problems that will arise.
  • Delayed Shipments: - Shipments of timber from the Everwood have stopped coming in. A group of experienced adventurers should be able to deal with bandits or whatever it is that's causing the hold up.
(Other adventures to be added as they are devised.)

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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