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Lich's Bane

The Lich's Bane is an ancient bronze blade, dating at least as far back as the late Asurian Empire. It is said to have already been a powerful magical weapon, though its abilities in combat have long since been lost to time. It was last used in the legendary battle against Kalshazzak Aesymnetes, the emperor who dared to seek apotheosis by sacrificing his own empire. While that battle was hard won, it came at no small cost. Kalshazzak achieved a form of immortality, though, through a divine miracle, he is cursed to bear the form of an undead lich for all eternity, forever denied true deification. However, no immortal can ever truly be slain, so after his defeat, the gods and the mortal heroes who gathered to defeat him devised a seal, such that, to the dying days of Eshor, he would never again walk free. This binding called for the use of several powerful artifacts, their great enchantments giving them the integrity to survive the power of the seal coursing through them. These sealing artifacts were laid out, tracing a mystical rune across the landscape around Caelester, the lich's final resting place. Knowledge of these artifacts is hidden away in secret tomes kept by a handful of religious orders, preserved in secret by their most trusted scribes. Their locations have been lost to time, with only scattered clues in the old tomes hinting at their possible locations - all save for one: the Lich's Bane.   This ancient bronze blade is the centrepiece of a secret shrine, deep in the basement of the Abbey of Caelester. Here, the Abbot of the Order of the Divine Wills, along with a handful of the most trusted monks of the order, prays over the blade, monitoring the integrity of the seal and renewing its power, in hopes of preserving its power forever.   Despite their best efforts, the seal slowly weakens. So slowly, in fact, that nobody realizes just how close it has come to the breaking point.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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Aug 5, 2024 00:15

A dark artifact indeed, ripe for the targeting by Kalshazzak's followers. I can't help but think the Order of Divine Wills knows that time is running out. Whatever will they do? I want to know! Very enjoyable article! I'll be featuring it in my SC24 Reading Challenge.  

Summer Camp ‘24 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 6, 2024 04:43 by Rashkavar

Thanks! Glad you liked it!   Currently the thought is that one of my player characters will wield it against Kalshazzak after the seal breaks (with some of the other artifacts alluded to being distributed to other party members) - part of why I left its description as "a bronze sword" is so that I have room to make it fit the party's weapon choices once I know what I'm working with on that end. The other artifacts all have to be found somewhere - this one's free, but it's also the linchpin of the seal - take it and Kalshazzak's free, so they'd better be ready.