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The first settlement established by the Eru people of the Sirkaar Desert, Cadiz rivals Alexandria and Valendi as one of the most progressive and cosmopolitan cities in all of Esos. The founder of the city, Cari Madani, chose the city’s location because of its critical link to trade routes, comfortable climates, strategic topography, and its proximity to water. All of these factors made the city a breeding ground of culture and knowledge. Furthermore, Cadiz benefits from shipping trade with Alexandros, the Free Cities, and the Misty Enclave. As the capital of the Kingdom of Sirkaar, Cadiz stands as the nexus of politics, justice, business, industry, and education within the region.    The city is considered a true center of learning. Despite its brief occupation by the Stormgård Empire, Cadiz has never stopped pushing the envelope forward in the realms of science, mathematics, and philosophy. Over the centuries, numerous schools and institutes sprung up throughout the City of the Sun. To this day, Cadiz is well known for the Hannibal School of Law and the House of Wisdom. Both of these institutions emphasize the core values of Sirkaarian society as they seek to further people’s understanding of justice and morality.  

Gifts of Alitta

The Gifts of Alitta refer to the benefits and advantages offered by the Godsgift River. A number of factors went into Cari Madani’s choice to found Cadiz along the Godsgift River, at the base of the Duckhawk Mountains. The stories tell that Madani was visited by the goddess Alitta in a vision, where she informed her that if she were to lead her people to the Godsgift, then those gifts would be hers. The specific Gifts of Alitta are the agricultural and pasturelands afforded by the river, the fish and game and drinking water available within the Godsgift, the papyrus and other building materials located in and around its waters, and finally, the transportation and trade made accessible through the use of the Godsgift. As a result of these gifts and the prosperity enjoyed by the city of Cadiz, one of the most beautiful and ornate statues of Alitta in all of Esos resides within the city’s main square.


Leadership of the Kingdom of Sirkaar has remained in the hands of House Madani since the domain’s inception. As the capital city of the realm, Cadiz house’s the kingdom’s royal throne and acts as the seat of power for the current queen. While the kingdom is effectively a monarchy with undivided sovereignty invested in a single ruler, the queen does employ a publicly respected small council to aid her in various political and economic matters.

Industry & Trade

Cadiz provides many exotic products that are scarce throughout the rest of the continent. These items include olives, lemons, pomegranates, plums, cotton, spices, and blood oranges. Lemon and pomegranate orchards, as well as other produce, are irrigated by a spider web of canals that branch off from the Godsgift, Red, and Venfield Rivers. Furthermore, the region is known for a number of strange spices, particularly the use of dragon peppers.   In addition to its fruit orchards, the region is acknowledged for its wine and horses. Red wine is a high-end commodity in Sirkaar, often attracting the interest of high lords and noblemen from all over the continent. Furthermore, fabled steeds are often bred within the lands of Sirkaar. These horses are slim and swift, with elegant heads, long necks, and flowing manes. They are considered to be the most beautiful horses in all of Weströnd and Eldamir.   Ultimately, nearly any good or service can be found within the numerous bazaars of Cadiz. Oftentimes before traveling up the Godsgift River, travelers and merchants take on supplies in the City of the Sun.


The city of Cadiz is well positioned to take advantage of numerous geographical features located in the area. Directly to its north are the Duckhawk Mountains, while beyond that lies the Sirkaar Desert offering a natural defense from would be invaders. The city itself is located on the banks of the Godsgift River which provides access to the fabled Gifts of Alitta, as well as an avenue to the Attlecier Ocean.


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City of the Sun
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