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Kingdom of Sirkaar

The Kingdom of Sirkaar is the nation that controls the lands of southwest Weströnd. Their territory includes the western portion of the Red Mountains, the Duckhawk Mountains, the Sirkaar Desert, the Godsgift River, and Summersong Bay, as well as a number of other crucial geographic features. Founded in 425 AWF, the kingdom was created when an Eru tribe woman named Cari Madani united the nomadic peoples of the Sirkaar Desert and constructed the city of Cadiz along the Godsgift River. Governance of the kingdom has remained in the hands of the Madani family for nearly thirty-two generations, with only a brief period of control shifting to the Stormgård Empire during their imperial wars of conquest. The kingdom is currently led by the young, but wise Queen Nymeria Madani.  


The primary goal of the Kingdom of Sirkaar is to protect its people and maintain a healthy and prosperous society. Since its inception, Sirkaar has existed as an incredibly inclusive and cosmopolitan civilization. The House of Madani is committed to furthering the academic, scientific, and artistic progress of its people. Above all else, the Kingdom of Sirkaar desires peace for its people and will do whatever it takes to prevent any future incursions upon its land from the Stormgård Empire or otherwise.  


The Kingdom of Sirkaar has long done its best to remain neutral in most geopolitical matters. The natural geographic protective features it enjoys has helped the kingdom greatly in this endeavor. Throughout its existence, Sirkaar has at times come to blows with other nations, most notably the Stormgård Empire. Since winning back its independence, Sirkaar maintains two active battalions in both the Serpent’s Keep and Sunstone Garrison, as well as a fleet of ships protecting Summersong Bay and Cadiz Harbor.   While the kingdom does its best to abstain from most international conflicts, it is widely known that Sirkaar aided Alexandria in its recent war for independence. In addition, there are rumors circulating throughout Weströnd and Eldamir that the Queen of Sirkaar’s half-brother is currently operating as a pirate among the Wayfarer's Society amongst the Aislada Isles.


Millennia ago, as the Years of Men were just beginning and the lands of Esos were still whole, numerous myths and legends surrounded the desert that resided far to the east of Valendi. Stories told of a vast red waste where would-be adventures and ambitious travelers never returned from. Some believed that the desert marked the end of the Material Plane, while others thought that if you could simply make it to the far side of the desert you would be greeted and welcomed by the gods to henceforth live a life of immortality and splendor. While these tales have since proven to be facetious, the impact they had on shaping the greater cultural psychology surrounding the Sirkaar Desert has done a great deal to influence the awe, wonder, and trepidation that many people feel towards the Red Dunes.   Prior to the establishment of the Kingdom of Sirkaar, the desert region was largely inhabited by a number of nomadic peoples referred to as the Eru. The Eru were a multi-racial group consisting largely of humans, dragonborn, half-orcs, leonin, and tabaxi. This collection of roving merchant clans only helped to further the mysteries surrounding the Sirkaar Desert and what lie beyond it, as the Eru would often carry with them exotic goods and bizarre stories of unfamiliar flora and fauna, as well as ancient magics and the ever enigmatic “god material.”   Following the events of the World Shatter and the creation of the continent of Eldamir, the Eru people—still reeling from the chaos and destruction caused by the War of the Fallen—made the decision to come together under one banner and establish a nation of their own. Facing threats from the new kingdoms forming to the east of the Red Mountains, the Eru people accepted the leadership of a woman named Cari Madani and appointed her the first queen of their people. It was in that moment that Queen Madani would begin the construction of the city of Cadiz and initiate her family line as the rulers of the Kingdom of Sirkaar for generations to come.  

Wars of Conquest

When Alexander II Veôr arrived upon the shores of Longcross Bay and proceeded to establish a foothold within the midlands of Eldamir, the Kingdom of Sirkaar had already existed as a prosperous and vibrant cosmopolitan society for over 600 years. Sirkaar managed to remain relatively neutral throughout Alexander’s initial campaign to create his empire. However, not long after Alexander completed his conquest of the midland provinces of Eldamir, he commenced the first of the Sirkaarian Wars.   The First Sirkaarian War lasted two years. The war was incredibly even matched among both parties and ultimately resulted in victory for the Kingdom of Sirkaar. The geographic advantages offered to the Kingdom of Sirkaar, as well as the exhaustion felt by the Stormgård army—having fought endlessly for the previous three years to conquer the midlands of Eldamir—allowed the Sirkaarians to emerge victorious. However, when the Stormgård Empire returned three years later in the Second Sirkaarian War, or what has come to be known as the Conquest of Sirkaar, Alexander would be successful in capturing Cadiz and submitting the kingdom to his rule.  

Sirkaarian Liberation War

The third and final Sirkaarian War began with the Seax Rebellion. After four years of being under the control of the Stormgård Empire, an underground rebel movement was forming throughout the various settlements of Sirkaar. These dissidents were known as the Seax Underground. After organizing the assassination of Stormgårdian appointed Governor of Sirkaar, the Seax Rebellion was in full swing. From here, the Sirkaarian insurgents launched an eight-year campaign to retake their homeland, which ultimately resulted in the expulsion of the Stormgård Empire from the lands of Sirkaar and the recommencement of House Madani’s governance over its kingdom.

Founding Date
425 AWF
Geopolitical, Kingdom

Related Reading

Nymeria Madani
Character | Aug 9, 2020

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