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Adelaide Keenseeker

Adelaide Keenseeker is a half-elven Sorceress and the Planescribe of Ushana.


Early Life

Adelaide was born in the town of Alryne to parents of Kashi descent, though with an ancestor from Ushana. Prior to being named the Planescribe, she had a somewhat normal life for a small town mage, and made money performing tricks on the street while studying her magic. At some point her parents both passed away, and Adelaide was left to fend for herself.

Becoming the Planescribe

Adelaide found out she had been named the Planescribe when she was visited by Selena Telavia, quickly becoming embroiled in the political situation unraveling in Ushana. She was quite confused and scared during this time, and went along with Selena for fear of being killed otherwise.   After the situation had calmed down and she had time to process the appointment, Adelaide was eager to get started learning from someone as powerful as Arvel Telavia. To her surprise, however, very little of what Arvel taught her came in the form of direct lessons, but instead came from experiential lessons out in the world.

Her First Adventure

Just a few weeks after arriving in Solaris, Adelaide was directed by Arvel to accompany Team B southward to investigate the Ostrad Bubble and the Crypt of the Vanishing Army. Accompanied by Selena Telavia, Adelaide followed Team B to Ostrad and made it to the Crypt with them, successfully decrypting a journal left behind by a warlock who broke the seal on the crypt. After the team returned, Adelaide accompanied them back to the surface but left them shortly afterwards, looking to link back up with Selena in Steoso.   After a few days exploring Steoso with Selena, she was called back to Ushana by Arvel.

Impact on the Planeswalker Tradition

As the first Kashi born Planescribe, Adelaide's existence represents several breakings from tradition. While she does have innate magical ability, she is the first non-Ushanan, non-elven Planescribe, dismantling the notion that those aspects are essential to be a Planescribe, and by extension a Planeswalker. The full scope of this break from tradition has yet to be determined, but taken to its extreme, it could mean that anyone with even a distant connection to Ushana could concievably be named Planescribe.


Adelaide is a bright young mage who is energetic when excited, but with significant self doubt holding her back. She has no trouble boasting about mastering simple aspects of magic, but has severe reservations about being able to do what Arvel expects of her. If she is not in her element, she will retreat inwards, becoming shy and unsure of herself. Despite this, she is a snarky teen witch, and has no trouble proving herself when she needs to.


Arvel Telavia

As the Planescribe, Adelaide is Arvel's sole apprentice and heir to her magical knowledge. Though their relationship is relatively new, Adelaide has already learned a substantial amount from Arvel, and holds her in incredibly high esteem. Though every now and then, Adelaide will show her displeasure at being treated like a child from Arvel, and will very rarely talk back to her if she's frustrated enough.

Selena Telavia

As her traveling companion and protecter, Selena and Adelaide have had lots of time to get to know each other. They enjoy each other, though Adelaide is sometimes resentful of the idea that she needs a 'babysitter'.
Current Status
Date of Birth
14th of Tide's Height
Year of Birth
1210 AC 17 Years old

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