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Selena Telavia

Selena Telavia is an elven Ranger and the Supplicant of the Kashi Deliberation within the Ushanan Presidium. She is also the daughter of Malavia Telavia, the niece of Arvel Telavia, and the sister of Jade.


Early Life

Early on it became obvious Selena was not cut out for a magical life in Ushana. She had an immediate affinity for the forests of her homeland, but not for the magic in its society. She instead preferred to camp among the trees, fletching arrows and hunting to survive in the wilds. During her schooling she would often skip out on lessons or disrupt lectures, all in an attempt to get back to what she actually liked doing. Eventually, her mother gave up trying to teach her magic, and Selena has trained as a Ranger ever since.  

Supplicant of the Kashi Deliberation

While out on a multi-day hunt in the forests, Selena realized she had gone farther than she meant to and found herself at the edge of the forest, and the border between Ushana and Kashijan. Miles from any official checkpoint, Selena hopped the border and made her way into Kashijan. She would return several times, making friends in the region and learning more about the effects Ushanan oppression had had on them. Seeing an opportunity to be useful to the world and finally do something her mother would approve of, she asked Malavia to let her join the Kashi Deliberation, and quickly became the Suplicant and the primary diplomat in regards to Kashijan. She is one of the few Ushanan to have positive relations with Kashijan, and one of two alive (the other being Arvel) who have met the Kashi Imperium in person.  

Agent of the Planeswalker

Having shown her willingness to engage in political matters, and her competancy in regards to descretion, High Planeswalker Arvel Telavia saw potential in her niece. Arvel would call upon Selena to undertake tasks for her personally that required a delicate hand, and came to trust in her abilities as an operative. On more than one occasion, Selena came through for Arvel on tasks Arvel had already written off as hopeless and lost.  

Trial of the Planeswalker

Having realized the Planescribe's origin in Kashijan and the delicate nature of the situation, Arvel called upon Selena to go to Kashijan and meet with a delegation from the Imperium to begin peace talks. In addition, Arvel tasked Selena with the vital task of retrieving the Planescribe and securing her until the situation in Ushana was dealt with.   However, upon meeting with the delegation, assassins descended on the meeting and killed the Kashi delegation and attempted to kill Selena. Selena managed to escape, and quickly began the second task she was given and secured Adelaide Keenseeker, the future Planescribe. For several weeks, Selena hid with Adelaide in the city of Alryne, keeping her safe from both Kashi soldiers and Adaviel spies. After getting the go ahead from Arvel, Selena extracted Adelaide from the city and made her way across Kashijan, meeting up with Team A and making their way to Solaris. By the time they arrived, the situation with the Adaviels was over, and Selena's task was completed.  

Protector of the Planescribe

As the situation with the Adaviels had been dealt with, the situation regarding Kashijan was next on Selena's list. As the Suplicant, she is vital to the establishment of good relations with the nation, now more than ever. However, Arvel had something else in mind for her. After her initial work in smoothing over relations with Kashijan to avoid all out war, Arvel reassigned Selena to watch over Adelaide Keenseeker and protect her as she traveled the world. Though not what Selena wanted, she did her duty and agreed to watch over the fledgling mage. She now accompanies Adelaide wherever she goes, and reports her progress back to Arvel.  


Despite preferring the solitude of the woods, Selena is a deft diplomat and a shrewd negotiator when necessary. She is fiercely loyal to her family and Ushana, and will do whatever she can to help keep them safe. She is kind, understanding, and patient enough to wait out entire sieges for the right time to make her move.  


Arvel Telavia

More a boss than an aunt, Selena is loyal to Arvel and is her most reliable operative. Selena knows Arvel looks down on her non-magical skillset, but takes solace in knowing she has proven herself to the sorceress more times than either can count.

Malavia Telavia

At the beginning, Selena's relationship with her mother was testy to say the least. However, after discovering her affection for Kashijan, she connected with her mother much better, and they now enjoy a positive relationship.

Jade Telavia

Unlike the rest of her family, Selena sees no shame in Jade's decision to pursue technology, and has a loving relationship with her little sister. She will tease her occasionally of course, but when push comes to shove, there is nothing she wouldn't do to protect her.

Adelaide Keenseeker

As her Protector, Selena can sometimes get annoyed with Adelaide's behaviour if it comes at the expense of her safety. She slightly resents being a glorified babysitter for the mage, but nonetheless enjoys watching Adelaide come into her own.


Rubble is Selena's pet Basilisk, and has been with her for the past nine years. She found him abandoned in a cave surrounded by petrified squirrels and foxes, and quickly deduced his nature enough to cover his eyes. She has nurtured him ever since, and wherever she goes Rubble won't be far behind.
Current Status
Date of Birth
19th of Red Shift
Year of Birth
1197 AC 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Selena's pet basilisk, Rubble

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