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Ushana (Oo-shaw-naw)

"The river flows and the tree grows, and so too does Ushana." Old proverb
  Ushana is one of the two nations making up the top third of The Expanse (the other being Kashijan), and is the more powerful of the two. Known for its powerful magic users and overall magical prowess, Ushana is one of the most powerful nations on the Expanse, and is able to hold out against much larger nations despite its small size. Ushana is primarily inhabited by Elves, who hold themselves in high regard relative to other races.  



Ushana is one of the oldest nations in Estrodia, dating back thousands of years to long before the Convergence. Exact information regarding its founding cannot be determined, but it is estimated to have been founded somtime around 6500 BC (Before Convergence). It has always had a significant role in the major events of the continent, and has enjoyed a position of power and influence since its founding. The tradition of High Planeswalker began sometime after the founding of the country itself, originating sometime around 3200 BC.  

Before Convergence

Prior to the Convergence, Ushana was one of three dominant nations on the Expanse, and the only one to remain in the present day. In that time, it held only the land containing its primary forest in East Ushana, and did not control the entirety of the River of Dreams, making it by far the smallest of the three Expanse nations. However, they enjoyed friendly diplomatic ties with their neighbors, and there was very little conflict between them. This is also when the tradition of The High Planeswalker originated.  

After Convergence

Oppression of Kashijan

Beginning in 658 with the ascendence of High Planeswalker Renna Ianro, Ushana entered into a phase of expansion centered around the River of Dreams, the ancestral wellspring of Ushana and a central aspect of their faith. Prior to this, Ushana was content controlling only the wellspring itself, but the accendance of Renna introduced a desire to control the entire river "from fall to fall".   In the pursuit of this, Ushana staged multiple military incursions into the territory of their western neighbor, Kashijan, and seized a considerable amount of territory from them along the river. They siezed so much territory in these wars that they were able to create an entirely new territory almost equal in size to Ushana itself, creating West Ushana on the other side of Kachijan. As a result of these wars, Kashijan was split in two, and has suffered greatly from a lack of access to the river. To the present day, there is a palpable disdain for the Kashi in Ushana, to the point that they are a scapegoat and boogeyman for anything that goes wrong in Ushana.  

Olanian Civil War

In 1202, following the succession of Eclea and the beginning of the Olanian Civil War, High Planeswalker Arvel Telavia aligned Ushana with Eclea due to their primarily elven populace and acted as a supporting force in their fight for independence, supplying them weapons and supplies while abstaining from directly fighting. After Eclea won their independence, Ushana claimed part of the land that would have gone to them as payment for their assistance, signifcantly expanding West Ushana.  

Present Day

As of 1227, Ushana is on a path to potentially repair some of the damage they have done in the past, specifically in regards to Kashijan, due to a change of heart by High Planeswalker Arvel Telavia.  


The High Planeswalker

Acting as the formost authority of Ushana is the High Planeswalker, who presides of the Presidium and has the final say in the goings on in the country. The current High Planeswalker is Arvel Telavia.

The Presidium

The Presidium is a massive bureaucracy made up of several ministries overseeing specific aspects of life in Ushana. These ministries range in size and importance, and are constantly embroiled in political plots and schemes. Each ministry usually has primary jurisdiction over a specific aspect of Ushanan life, but due to the nature of the politics in Ushana the Presidium itself is a messy web of deals and ministries overlapping each other. As a result, the ministries themselves are somewhat toothless, and power lies in specific ministers and positions instead.   Notable members of the Presidium include:


  The entire nation is built around the River of Dreams, the primary river in the northern region of the Expanse. The river starts from a wellspring located in a lake in the Eastern half of the country. The capitol city of Solaris is built on the edge of this lake. The political borders of Ushana run the entire length of the river.  

East Ushana

East Ushana is dominated by a large forest of cedar trees, bifurcated by the River of Dreams and the wellspring lake. All of Ushana is relatively flat, with small hills dotting the landscape. The capitol city of Solaris is built on one of these hills.  

West Ushana

While still having substantial forests, West Ushana is primarily made up of fertile plains and is not nearly as dense as East Ushana. It is also almost entirely flat.
Founding Date
~6500 BC
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
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Given their primarily elven population, Ushana is supportive and protective over Eclea.


Though strained by the recent civil war, Olane and Ushana are willing to cooperate with each other on the Olane Project.

Non-aggression agreement

Incredibly strained relations, slowly working to repair relations and make ammends to Kashijan

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