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Arvel Telavia

Arvel Telavia is an elven sorceress and the current High Planeswalker of Ushana. She is the matriarch of the Telavia noble family, and one of the most powerful magic users in the world. Being The High Planeswalker, she is the only known mortal being capable of planar travel.


Arvel is a tall, slender elven woman with sharp, noble features. She has medium-length black hair and blue eyes. She is often seen in noble robes and dresses for formal occassions, but is otherwise simply dressed by Ushanan standards.


Early life

Arvel was born on the 18th of Tide's Height, 1166 to the Telavia noble family in Solaris. From an early age, Arvel displayed considerable magical talent, and nobody was surprised when she was identifed as the Planescribe in 1183 by then High Planeswalker Vaeri Jovaris.  

Time as Planescribe

As the Planescribe, Arvel studied under Vaeri Jovaris for several years and traveled all over Estrodia on assignments from her mentor. During this time she familiarized herself with foreign cultures and political systems, taking a particular liking to the Monnai Ren of Ostrana. After almost two decades of travel, adventure, and learning, she returned permanently to Ushana to undertake the transfer of knowledge. In 1191, she ascended to become the 48th High Planeswalker of Ushana.  

Rivalry with Annaeleth Adaviel

During her upbringing, Arvel was often compared to and in rivalry with the heiress of another noble family, Annaeleth Adaviel. With both being magically inclined and of similar age and social standing, they often competed with each other, forming a deep and enduring rivalry.   When Arvel was identified as the Planescribe, she began to focus on things other than her rivalry with Annaeleth, much to the latter's frustration. Annaeleth began to openly resent Arvel and her ascendance to magical dominance, a resentment that would remain throughout her life.  

As High Planeswalker

Olanian Civil War

Arvel's reign as High Planeswalker would begin quietly, but quickly became substantial to the history of the nation. In 1202, eleven years into her reign, the nation of Eclea formally succeeded from Olane, starting a civil war that would see a major change in the political landscape of the Expanse. Due to Eclea being a primarily Elven province, and seeking to destablize and weaken her neighbors whenever prudent, Arvel moved to support Eclea during the war via weapons and supplies to ensure their successful succession. In exchange for her help, Ushana was awarded a substantial expansion of West Ushana in formerly Olanian territory, most notably the city of Warcester. Despite supporting their enemy, Arvel still managed to maintain at least non-hostile relations with Olane, and was the only party to the civil war to escape entirely unscathed.  

Oppression of Kashijan

Though it did not begin under her reign, Arvel continued the domination of Ushana over their neighbor nation, Kashijan, for control over the River of Dreams. She expanded Ushanan military presence in the fort cities of Alryne and Aysgarth, perpetuating the separation of North and South Kashijan and worsening their droughts. Despite having more or less positive relations with most of the other nations of the Expanse, Arvel perpetuated Ushanan supremacy over Kashijan, and did little to improve relations.  

Accusations of Treason

In 1227, Arvel was placed under house arrest by The Presidium on accusations of treason against Ushana. The charges included colluding with the nation of Kashijan to undermine Ushanan stability and in general betraying the interests of the Ushanan Presidium. These charges were not entirely without merit, though to say Arvel acted without Ushana's best interests at heart would be disengenious. The charges originated with Annaeleth Adaviel, who orchestrated the plot to depose Arvel.   Arvel did make contact with Kashijan, but with good reason. She determined the Planescribe to be a half-elf originating from Kashijan, which made her fully question what she thought she knew about Ushanan practices, traditions, and faith. As a result, she determined that Ushana's oppression over Kashijan was made in error, and made attempts to contact Kashijan so a peace accord could be reached and she could begin to try to undo the damage done to Kashijan by her and her predecessors. However, she was arrested before she could complete her plans.   As part of her legal defense, the Presidium would assign the recently arrived Team B to act as Arvel's defense counsel in an attempt to undermine her, with Annaeleth's brother Denador being the Minister who assigned them. However, this choice would ultimately prove their undoing, as Team B successfully acquited Arvel, dismantled the plot to depose her, and exposed Annaeleth as an agent of the Hanged King.  

Present Day

Following her successful acquital, Arvel resumed her position of High Planeswalker and cemented her rule over Ushana. She resumed her attempts at diplomacy with Kashijan, though at a very slow pace given both past and recent history. She has taken on her Planescribe, Adelaide Keenseeker, and has already begun training her and sending her out into the world as Vaeri once did for her. Following the exposure of the Adaviel family as traitors, Arvel has taken a personal role in organizing the campaign to wipe them out.   Given Annaeleth's connection to the Hanged King, and Team B's success in her acquital, Arvel has lended her support to the Olane Project, acting as their primary magical consultant and taking a primary role in their operations.  


Arvel is a pragmatic woman who places a large premium on intelligence and competence, with little room for anything else. She is rather judgemental, often looking down on others for a variety of reasons ranging from not being elven to not having magical ability. She has a particular disdane for those with magical ability who choose not to pursue it, as she sees it as wasting a gift. She can often be curt and abrasive with people she does not respect or is not attempting to placate, giving her the air of self-importance and arrogance.   Despite this, she is inherently rational and will openly admit when she is wrong, even if it requires the reworking of a fundamental belief of hers. This can be seen in her opinion of Kashijan, fully rescinding the supremacy she once felt over them after the Planescribe appears among their ranks. She also shows immense respect for those she deems worthy of it.  



Malavia Telavia

Arvel enjoys a positive relationship with her sister, though it can more accurately be described as a business relationship than sisterhood. Malavia and Arvel are not similar in personality, but are fiercely protective of their family and interests and so care for each other on a somewhat deep level.  

Jade Telavia

The most strained of all her familial relationships, Arvel harbors resentment towards Jade for rejecting her magical abilities in favor of pursuing technology. She often speaks derisively about Jade's studies, and has little respect for what she is able to accomplish in her field.  

Selena Telavia

Despite not being of magical talent, Arvel has taken Selena under her wing as a political operative of sorts. She is often called upon to perform the more backhanded elements of Arvel's schemes, and is trusted by her to perform her duties well. She trusts Selena enough to assign her to protect and look after Adelaide, a position of immense importance.  

Adelaide Keenseeker

As the Planescribe and future Planeswalker, Adelaide is of immense importance to Arvel and her one and only apprentice. Her teaching style is much the same as Vaeri's was with her, mentoring Adelaide more through experience than schooling. Though she is often frustrated by Adelaide's comparative lack of confidence and shyness, Arvel cares about her deeply, almost seeing her as the closest thing she will ever have to a daughter.  

Team B


Being a magic user, Chris has the most respect from Arvel out of the members of Team B. Similar to Pruni though, they often come into conflict when discussing the best solution to problems due to their shared stubbornness.  


Arvel is aware of the true Dabreiya, and often teases Tungsten with this knowledge. She has respect for the Orcs for their power and discipline, but harbors similar derisions for technology as she does with Jade that strain her relationship with Tungsten.  


Arvel is stubborn in the face of opposition, and as a result often comes into conflict with Pruni that usually descends into insults and name-calling.
Current Status
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
18th of Tide's Height
Year of Birth
1166 AC 61 Years old
Solaris, Ushana
Aligned Organization

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