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The High Planeswalker

The High Planeswalker is the title of the ruler of Ushana, and a being of considerable magical ability. Traditionally, the High Planeswalker is an elf, though that is not a strict requirement of the position. The High Planeswalker is the only known mortal being who possesses knowledge of planar travel, and is by all accounts the most powerful magic user in the world.   The current High Planeswalker is Arvel Telavia.  


Sometime in 3200 BC, a sorcerer named Aymon Danelis rose to the primary leadership position of Ushana, at that time the Prime Minister. Having considerable knowledge of the magical arts, he was determined not to let his talents die with him, and so created a function to pass on his knowledge to a suitable candidate. How exactly he did this is unknown, but the attempt was successful although with stipulations. The transfer of knowledge would outright kill the source, meaning it could only be done in conjunction with a transfer of leadership. This created the tradition of the High Planeswalker, a sorcerer or sorcereress of considerable magical ability that is the de-facto ruler of Ushana.  

The Transfer of Knowledge


The Planescribe

As a result of the terminal transfer process, a candidate must be chosen who is not only of magical ability but also of sound political mind. This candidate is known as the Planescribe, and is chosen by the current High Planeswalker to train under them until it is time to take their place. The Planescribe has always been an elf originating from Ushana, until Adelaide Keenseeker somewhat broke that streak. How the Planeswalker chooses the Planescribe is unknown to anyone other than the Planeswalkers themselves, though they have stated that they know a young mage is the Planescribe as soon as they learn of their existence. This suggests some innate connection between the Planeswalker and the Planescribe, though this is not yet understood.   With the emergence of Adelaide Keenseeker, the conditions required of the planescribe have changed drastically. As of 1227 AC, the conditions a candidate for Planescribe must meet are as follows:  
  • Be at least half-elven
  • Have existing magical ability
  • Originate near Ushana
  With the recent shake up in requirements, it is unclear if any of these besides magical ability actually apply.   The Planescribe will continue to train under the Planeswalker for the remainder of the Planeswalker's life, sometimes for several decades. By the time the reigning Planeswalker reaches the end of their life, the Planescribe has enough experience to be a formidable magic user and politician in their own right.  

The Ritual

Having reached the end of their life, the High Planeswalker will initiate a ritual in which they transfer all of their knowledge to the Planescribe, in the presence of the other high ranking members of the Presidium. This ritual has been described as having an odd beauty to it, as well as being rather intimate. By this time, the Planeswalker and Planescribe have spent a considerable time together, and the ritual often becomes rather emotional as they say their goodbyes.   Rarely, however, the ritual will take place prior to the end of the Planeswalker's natural life, as was the intended case with Arvel Telavia. As the transfer is necessary for the continuation of Ushanan generational knowledge, it is also the method of execution in the case that the High Planeswalker commits a grave crime against the nation. This has so far never come to pass, but has been threatened several times. So far, given they are the only ones who can identify the Planescribe and initiate the transfer, the threat of execution is a somewhat empty one if the reigning Planeswalker refuses the rule of Ushanan law.   As of 1227 AC, the Planeswalker has never failed to transfer their knowledge to the Planescribe.
Civic, Political
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