Aisling (aʃlʲɪŋ)


The population is largely Gnome (37%), with smaller numbers of Humans (20%), Halflings (18%), Vine leshy (10%), Dwarves (7%), Gathlain (5%) and Changeling (3%)


While the city is ostensibly ruled and owned by the Taoiseach Aodhán Ó hAodhagáin the city is governed by the Merchant Council. There are twelve families of wealthy merchants who are on the council, and it falls to them to maintain the day-to-day operation of the city. The council elects a Lord Justicar from those who own the most land within County Aisling. Laws are drafted by the council and sent to the Taoiseach for validation.

Industry & Trade

Due in large part to the Dwarf and Human population of the city, there is a booming mining industry in the surrounding county. Precious metals such as copper and gold are found limited quantities around the island, however silver can be found in high quality veins. Industrial materials, namely iron and coal, are the most valuable industries in the country.


In the years following the raids by the Ostmen from the mainland a sizeable population of Dwarves settled in the area that is now Aisling. They built up the complex foundations of the city center, which lead to the eventual blending with the native Gnome tribes. Gnomish ingenuity lead to the modern conveniences common to the city today.
CN Small city Corruption +2; Crime +2; Economy +5; Law +2; Lore +3; Society +1
Qualities industrial, prosperous, strategic location, tourist attraction
Danger +5  

Government Autocracy
Population 9,096
Noteable NPCs
  • Taoiseach [elected ruler] Aodhán Ó hAodhagáin (Middle-Aged Male Gnome Aristocrat)
  • Alsherjargod [high priest] Sindri Torstenson(Old Male Dwarf Warpriest of Ullr)

Base Value 6,800 gp; Purchase Limit 42,500 gp; Spellcasting 6th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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